A New Day and A New Encounter - Coco VS Velvet

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of RWBY: The Duelist Experience! Previously, the group decided to withdraw for the night after the event of today. Except Konami had revealed something shocking for Ozpin and his group, he was the ambassador of the Spirit World and was determine to end Ozpin and Salem shadow war once and for all. And Konami got his own surprise when he was suddenly called by Horakhty herself.

Finally done writing this chapter, sorry for the long delay but at least I finally managed to finished this chapter. In the nick of time too as my break from college work is coming to a close in just a few days, so this might be the last chapter I can upload until I have more free time. But don't worry I'm not dropping it and I'll continue to write when I have more free time on my hand.

About this chapter, as you can guess by reading the title. The next Duel will be between Coco and Velvet since most of you wanted them to go first. I'm not gonna spoil their deck here and you'll have to find out by reading it and well, let's just say the deck choice might surprise you.

Speaking of surprises, yeah prepared yourself for something that is really surprising at the end of this chapter.

Now without further ado, let's get on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Yu-gi-oh, they belong to Rooster Teeth and Konami respectively.


Fire. Everywhere he could see was set ablaze in flame. Some from them, some from him, the fire burns bright on the blackened sky.

Rubles. Piles and piles of rubles spread around from the destruction that was laid waste.

Screams. Various screams echoed in his ears, one of glee, one of rage, one of desperation, and one of fear. Sadistic laughter, angry shout, desperate pleading, and terrified scream. He could hear them all.

It all happened too fast. The attack, the invasion, the destruction being laid waste as we speak. They couldn't stop it, how could they? They didn't know this was going to happen.

They didn't see this coming.

No one saw this coming.

HE didn't see this coming.

Konami limpidly moved his tired limb forward, through the path of destruction that the invader had made. The sight was too familiar to him that it made him sick to his stomach.

He gritted his teeth while holding his injured shoulder, the pain only fueling his anger.




How could've he let this happen?! Why didn't he stop it?! He had promised her! His friend, his dead friend! Her sacrifices won't be in vain! He had promised her that! So why did this happen?! This is not right!

This is not what she had wanted!

This is not what Ray had wanted!

This isn't...!

He stopped himself when he had caught sight of his objective. Lying on the ground, was the terrified face trapped in a card.

The one he had sworn to protect...


Konami dropped to his knee as he stared at the cards on the ground. Gently, he picked them up with his shaking hand.

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