Chapter 5: The change.

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It was only till late last year, that her luck.. and life began to change.

So what happened, you may be asking. Well as of a few years before that, you may remember mentions of a childhood friend.. Aaron. Well Xel and Aaron started talking and hanging out a whole lot more after the whole Josh incident. He wanted to be there for her and protect her, and she just loved his company. They laughed and joked around all the time. Then one day, Summer tells them both she's going away for 2 weeks on holiday. They'd only have each other as company. Now, Xel didn't see an issue with that.. she loved his company.

So they hung out more. It was once a week, then twice, 3 times, 4. They spent basically every day together. Xel was always round his until late. He would always walk her home. They did gym together. And that's when he knew he liked her. He would help her with weights, constantly reminding himself to be decent and that she might not like him back. After all, she was with Max during this time. And then, she was with Levi- it was a drunk mistake.

One day, she said fuck it. She left Levi because she wasn't happy with him. And she told Aaron that she loved him. Of course, being the shy person she was.. she didn't say it in English. And so on January 1st, 2022 she began dating the guy she'd loved since she was 10. Just over a month later, he asked her to be his girlfriend. Which obviously, Xel said yes. They had a great time, going to town together, or just hanging out at his house. Things were going smoothly, or at least that's what Xel thought.

Summer found out. Aaron's best friend since they were kids. Now you'll remember right at the beginning, Summer liked Aaron. So her finding out caused chaos for the two of them. Summer said she wasn't comfortable with the two of them dating and kept telling Xel that Aaron's mum didn't like her. And that she didn't want her around Aaron. She also said that Xel was controlling him, all of which was untrue. This hurt Xel and after a while, Aaron spoke to Summer about it. He hated seeing his girl sad and just wanted the two to get along.

After the confrontation, and a few weeks after, Summer finally came around to the idea.. agreeing that she was okay with them dating but felt a bit weird. Things went back to normal after that.

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