Thirty One - "Why me, Kristov?"

Start from the beginning

I never focused on what Mom and Anton wanted for me - to follow my dream and soar high. Instead, I pleased dad and became the son that he lost. I let my dream die and buried, together with Mom and Anton.

After I showered, shaved and changed to casual clothes, I went down to meet Pia in the living room. For the first time in many years, I was like a young boy excited for a birthday celebration.

She looked more beautiful everyday. Her yellow dress made her look so fresh and radiant. She brightened the room with her lovely smile.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" she asked.

"So ready," I answered, and she came near me.

"First, I have to blindfold you," she showed me a white hanky.

"Is that necessary?"

"Of course! This is a surprise."

I shook my head, "sorry, I can't do it."

I had trust issues. The thought of someone controlling my mind and body was traumatic already.

When I was in grade school, some bully kids blindfolded me and tied my wrists. They left me inside the gym for almost two hours. I was walking around, not seeing anyone, and shouting for help.

"Just trust me," Pia's eyes held a promise, "I'll hold your hand, and won't let go."

Can I trust her? I like her a lot, but trusting her is a different thing.

"You won't let me fall, right?"

She chuckled, then shook her head vigorously.

I agreed, and she blindfolded me. True to her words, she held my hand.

Except for a brief handshake, I never hold hands with anyone, especially with a woman. I haven't even seen my parents do it. It seemed like a very intimate thing.

With Pia... the moment our palms met, I felt electrified. Deliciously sweet sensations of currents tingled every nerve of my body. I had never experienced it before, and I was enjoying the feeling.

I felt the air outside as we continued to walk. I stumbled and she caught me, not letting me fall. Her soft body pressed against mine, with her small arms wrapped around my waist. I groaned with frustration, when she pulled away immediately, then continued to hold my hand.

Finally, we arrived at our destination. She immediately let go of my hand, and said, "you can take your blindfolds off now."

I did and the first thing I saw was her lovely face. She was holding a cake, white icing cake with blue trimmings. A lighted candle in the center and a piping lettering of Happy Birthday.

"Happy birthday, Kristov" she smiled brightly and instantly, my heart melted.

We were in the secluded garden, my favorite hiding place. A mat was placed in the fine bermuda grass. On top was a charcuterie board filled with waffles, biscuits, cheeses, eggs, bacon, sausages, nuts, and berries. Cups of hot coffee, a pitcher of orange juice, bottled water, and a picnic basket were on the side.

"Thank you, Pia. I appreciate your kind gesture," I smiled back at her.

"Blow your candle now, and don't forget to make a wish."

"Okay," I said, but before I did, she stopped me. She sang the happy birthday song first, then let me blow the candle.

She had a very nice sweet voice, and I was mesmerized for a while, just listening to her.

Afterwards, we sat on the grass and had breakfast.

I was surprised how much we talked about just anything. From the variety of cheeses, the coffee beans, the bottled water business, and to our personal life. She was a very smart girl and she knew how to handle a conversation very well.

"So, your dream is to teach history at New York University."

"Initially. But my main objective is to publish educational books on history."

"What about the future? I'm more interested in the future than in the past," I said to her. I told her about the AR-VR project that we were working on in Texas, and she was quite impressed.

"That project must be a life changing experience for all humankind."

"It will be, in the near future," I raised my eyebrows questioningly, "so, aren't you going to change your mind, and write about the future someday?"

"Hmm... maybe. But I still think that the past is more interesting," she shrugged her small shoulders, "you must admit that the past is very vital, it often helps us assess what the future holds. Life is a circle, the same things are happening, on and on. We make mistakes and will continue making the same mistakes if we don't learn from our past experiences..."

She talked, reasoned and debated her opinion. I admired her for standing up for what she believed in. She was a hell of a smart woman, very articulate in expressing her views. She knew what she wanted and was determined to get it.

Our topic shifted easily from other things, until our eyes held each other. Deeper conversation started when she asked.

"Why me, Kristov?" 

"Why not you?"

"Too many girls are after you... and you can have any woman in the world.  Why do you choose to like me? I'm a simple girl, whose world is different from yours," she looked puzzled and yet curious.

My eyes were filled with emotions as I looked at her.

"Because you saved me, Pia."

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