Chapter 5 - Mine

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The night is still everyone looking at each other in anticipation

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The night is still everyone looking at each other in anticipation. All eyes are on the girls. Apollo looks around at the crowd before turning his dark gaze back to me. I avert my gaze so quickly that I might snap something in my eye. Blowing a piece of hair out of my face my eyes scan the crowd. Hugh Clermont stares at Estella with a look so menacing and a little smirk at his lips.

"Do you think Amory will bid on me." her pearl white teeth on display.

"Maybe." I say hesitately.

Amory Burman the guy with excellent grades as well as excellent looks. Dark hair, light eyes and tan skin. Every girl would want that. One good thing about Blue Cresent Academy is that it has outstandingly good looking boys. Before I can think more about Amory the sound of opals voice on the mic booms.

"Uh sorry technically difficulty." she gives a death glare to one of the boys in charge of the sound. "So let's get on with this." she gestures toward all the girls. We all must look absolutely ridiculous standing here. Like chickens in a market put on full display for a person to buy us.

After what seems like a few seconds to me my name is called. Looking around I see that no one has raised their hand to bid on me. My throat suddenly feels like sandpaper so coarse my mind becoming hazy. But when I think it can't get any worse a hand lifts and when my eyes trail down to who it is I freeze. Apollo windsor has bid on me. Opal chant calls three times before I'm officially his.

"Please make your way to Mr Windsor, Miss Sinclair."

It takes my mind a few seconds to comprehend what just happened before I turn back to Brielle and Estella. Brielle mouths a I didn't know and Estella mouths I'm so sorry. My best friends know I hate Apollo and why. Opal nudges me down the stage whilst carrying on with the auction.

My steps are soft and slow as I walk to the narcissist who just bid on me. I have to spend the rest of the evening with him as well as the whole of tomorrow. Dread coils in my gut the closer I get to him. The smell of crisp sparkling fruit, musk and sage smack me in the face. I inhale the heavenly before I find out who it belongs to.

"Took you long enough." Apollos voice is as cool as a spring morning.

"You don't own me so don't act like you do." I roll my eyes at him before turning back to the stage to watch the bidding.

"Actually I do own you." he stands so close to me I can feel the heat of his body on mine. "For the next twenty four hours you are mine." he whispers in my ear this causes me to jump a little.

The lake is becoming empty, each girl getting bid and leaving with her buyer so they can get to know each other. Most of the couples sit in the parking lot getting to know each other or just talk. I hear footsteps walking away from me and I don't bother to even turn. I don't want to get to know someone like Apollo. Well I guess I know all that I need to know about him. He is conceited and arrogant.

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