00. The Prologue

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Iris would never forget about the Reaping and the tragic events that came after it. The thought in the back of her head lingered: being chosen frightened her. However, that secret of hers spreaded faster across the District than a wildfire. Everyone questioned her fear of the Games. Was she delusional? With this mindset, would Iris be able to win? In District 2, the young girl had the honor of being a Career and has practically been training since birth. The academy engraved it into every single child's head that they were elite, destined to win. When Iris doubted herself and her fear grew, she was only brainwashed more. Soon enough, those intrusive thoughts would vanish and be replaced with new ones. Was that not enough to the sixteen year old? Mentors saw the teenager as the perfect weapon and had faith in her.

A weapon. That's what she'll always be... to District 2 and eventually, the Capitol.

It wasn't a surprise when Iris Barlowe was handpicked from the Careers. Either people were cheering or hating her. Regardless of anyone else's opinion, this was an honor to her. The girl steps onto the stage and is already feeling on top of the world, even having the audacity to wear a smug grin on her face. Her partner was carefully chosen as well, his name was Ryder Calloway.

Ryder was two years older than Iris, which meant he had more experience and is naturally stronger. He stood around six feet, shaggy black hair and dark brown eyes. His expression was stone cold, always. No one could ever read past his lifeless eyes. What did he endure that she didn't? Iris would never know, but she was aware that he had to be an ally until the number of tributes dwindled. She was familiar with him, considering they train and study in the same academy but never fully had a conversation. They'd exchange glances in the halls or have to train together, whether it was hand to hand combat or using weapons. Maybe a tip or trick was given here and there, but nothing else.

After the ceremony was held and the tributes bid their goodbyes to families, they were whisked away to the Capitol immediately. The entire train ride, Iris and Ryder barely spoke unless they were talking to their mentor, Davion. Hell, he even encouraged the tributes to get to know another more - but Ryder didn't even attempt to. However, Iris tried... Even if it annoyed him. But the second night of being on the bullet train, she managed to make him laugh. That was definitely a surprise.

Ryder was in the dining area, sitting at the table with a glass in his hand. Iris entered the room with her arms crossed against her chest. Seeing the drink, she raised her eyebrow and glanced at the beverage.

"You're drinking?" She spoke up, causing the boy to turn around and look at his partner.

"What else does it look like?" He rolled his eyes, taking another sip and setting the cup down. "You gonna tell our mentor or something?"

There wasn't exactly an age limit on drinking, especially now - if you have the time, make it count, right?

Iris shook her head,"No, but there's no need to get so defensive." The tribute replied with a slight attitude. She steps forward and decides to take a seat across from Ryder. The girl extends her arm, reaching for the glass.

"No!" He exclaims, moving it closer to him instead of picking the object up.

Iris couldn't help but to laugh a little,"What, scared I have cooties?"

Yeah, the teen could be quite stubborn and a pain in the ass - but she had a sense of humor too, sometimes at the wrong time.

"Cooties?" Ryder repeats, furrowing his brows as his eyes meet hers. He knew the word, obviously - it was just used more by the younger children.

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