The journey

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Y/n pov- 

we had then went to diagon alley and gotten some stuff for harry 

Hagrid- hey y/n , you go get some clothes and uniform from Madam Malkin's for harry I need to attend to other business

Me- sure, lets go harry

Harry- uh y-yes , by the way sir who are you guys?

Me- dont you think you should have asked this earlier  , I mean do you really let strangers take you wherever they want?

Harry- well uh...

Me- what do you mean by well? 

Harry- .....

I then grabbed his sleeves and lifted them up , they were filled with teeth marks

My grip tightened around his wrist 

Harry- ngh

I quickly loosened my grip and hugged him

Me- Its ok my boy , anyone who wants to harm you , will have to go through me and believe me , no one will even touch you in a bad way again or without your consent again

He hugged me and started crying , the people turned to look at us but were quickly scared by my glare

Me- now lets go and get you some clothes

We then wandered around and found Madam Malkin's shop and entered , there was another boy with blonde hair and another man with same hair there

The father was apparently shouting at the old lady for giving his son clothes that were "too poor" 

Me- ignore him harry and go stand on the table

Harry- o-ok

I walked towards the old lady

Me- excuse me

???- oh my god !!! , I am not going to give any pf you an  autograph

Me- uh sorry but I was talking to the lady over here


Me- uh no 

???-tch why you 

???-stop it daddy lets go to the next shop I don want to stay with filth

Me- Then I wonder how your family lives with you?

???- did you just call my son filth

Me- no

???- yeah that what i thought 

Me- I called both of you filth

???- thats it , STUPEFY

I merely deflected the spell back to them

Me- Idiots

Before I could do any more harm ,  Harry ran towards me

Harry- professor y/n!!! Lets go , Hagrid's here 

Me- hmm fine

We exited the shop not before discreetly leaving some extra gold coins for the damaged they had caused

hagrid - hey Harry , i got ye an owl


I gently smiled and patted his head 

We then went to an inn and got him a room of his own

We all sat down at the table

???- you like him don't you
Me- of course , he is a good kid
???- intend to make him our successor?
Me- yes father
???-very well then
With that I heard a sound of an arrow flying by and my father had completely dissaperead ,
Me- enough of this , now Harry rest and I shall accompany you to your old home , make sure they don't try anything , also hagrid how can I adopt Harry
Hagrid - ye need to write a letter to ministry o magic saying who and why you want to adopt , they will send you a document and then with the boy's consent the adoption will become legal
Me- very well then

Timeskip to station
Me and Harry got out of the taxi and handed the driver the money and took our bags

Harry- father was it really necessary for you to threaten them with that horrific death

Me- No, but it was funny watching them become scared , anyways , what is the platform no. again

Harry- 9 3/4 , What!?

Me - hmmm EXCUSE ME!!

I saw a family of  5 red haired people and me and Harry walked towards them

Me-  Sorry to bother you but we too are going to Hogwarts and we were told to get on the train at platform 9 3/4 and we don't see it anywhere so can you help us please

???- sure honey , please call me moly

Me - nice to meet you molly I am Kokushibo and this is my son Harry

Molly- Harry as in Harry Potter

Me - looks like your famous son, so....

Molly -oh yeah !! You see this wall just go straight through and you will reach the platform

Me- can you show us please

Molly- sure!!! Go on Fred and George

F&G - yes mom

They ran towards the wall and dissaperead 

Harry - woah

Me - go on son , your turn
Then Harry to went straight into the wall and dissaperead , after him went another boy and the me and molly and her daughter went

Molly- so what do you do ?

Me- you saw the wooden swords Fred and George were carrying

Molly- yea why

Me - I am going to be teaching them swordsmanship

Molly - so you are a teacher at hogwarts

Me- mhm

Then we got on the train and I went to the teacher's section , there was another man sitting there and I felt a sinister energy from him

I walked over to him and said

Me - don't try anything funny if you value your life quirrell

Quirrell - w-what are you talking about?

Me- just heard my wanting and it shall be good

With that I left the bogie and sat in a different place

And waited ,then after 3 hours the train came to a screeching halt and heard a familiar voice

???- Everyone!!! Out of the train ,

then an old lady suddenly apparated into the bogie

Me- Minerva

Minerva- Kokushibo , I still don't know how you got the job

Me- it's called skills , something you don't have

Minerva- why you

Me- kidding or am I?

With that I body flickered into dumbledore's office

Me- professer

I said with a curt nod

Dumbledore - Ah Kokushibo I am glad you came , let's get it started

( I am very sorry for posting so late , but don't worry , I will post almost daily from onwards)

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