In My Head

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(GUYS! I am so so so sorry 😭😭 I started posting on archives of our own (under the same book name, yes that is more updated than here.) I forgot that Wattpad even had this story. So to that, I'm sorry 😭
Anyways enjoy: )


My arms twisted around my stomach to clench tight and help me from puking out my worries.
Elder Barry noticed my feet barely gripping to the floor, and he frowned slightly, his eyebrows pointing upwards towards the sky.

"Are you okay David?"

My head jolted in his direction hesitantly,  my eyebrows mirrored his. I tried taking a few long inhales but it didn't seem like it did anything. I gripped onto my chest where my heart was and felt a cold feeling leak through me.

There were people staring at us.

Suddenly everything seemed to have unpaused, everything was easy to read, it felt like I was focusing again. There were crowds of people by stands almost as if they were dying to throw their money out, and others were just looking around, their gaze mistakenly hitting mine and then being drawn in by my strange expression. Of course, not everyone was looking in my direction, but six people's pair of eyes scanned me, their eyebrows also mirroring that of Elder Barry and me. A warm feeling took control of my hand. I looked up and realized that his face was bright red, and his hand was in mine. I cringed at the sight, the thought, all of it.

"Hey, Davey, I know you're having a rough time right now."

I gathered my ears to listen to what he was going to say, for some odd reason I felt like he was right.

"You're safe with me okay?"

Despite my still panicked state I felt a bit better, he doesn't know how it feels to go through this, but he's trying. Never that I thought I'd be holding hands with Elder Barry, I guess I can say the same about laying on Elser Mark's chest. For some odd reason, I couldn't tell which one felt better, they were both putting their pride aside to allow me to exist more comfortably. Had it always been this way?

I swallowed harshly to avoid my smothering thoughts. Instead, I just accepted it for what it was, I gripped tighter and stepped closer by his side; Sliding my free arm onto his and holding on tight.

"Thanks, Barry..."

He seemed to have paused for a moment before continuing, and soon enough, no one was starring and everything was ok. We spotted Elder Mark in this big discussion over which Pokemon is the cutest and most powerful. Soon after, we went to the food court to relax and eat.

"Barry, what did you get?"

He looked over to Elder Mark, crumbs falling off of his face.

"Mph? Oh-"


"Oh, I got some teriyaki chicken and fried rice. What about you?"

Elder Mark examined his food closely before showing us.

"I did get the Shrimp Tempura sushi rill but...Doesn't it"

Looking for myself, everything seemed to have been fine;

"No?", I questioned.

He scratched his chin,

"Oh well, I guess if anything happens I'll just ask for a refund or something."
Elder mark said,

He fixed his glasses yet again before using chopsticks and shoving the sushi in his mouth one by one.
The mood started to turn gray, I was having fun but...I knew it would be temporary, hell, it was already going away. I lost my appetite, the two of them were just giggling. Why am I like this? Why can't I enjoy anything? I'm never fucking happy, this is becoming too much.

My Great Elder [Craig of the creek] Mark X DavidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin