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All of you gathered behind Jay as he stepped forward, removing his mask and offering the girl his signature, kind smile.

"My name is Jay." He introduced, the girl furrowing her brows slightly. K knelt beside Jay, removing his mask and translating. You all took the silence to repeat their actions and introduce yourselves as well.  The girl spoke and patted the pig softly.

"Im Mija. This is Okja." K translated. "We are animal lovers." Jay continued, K translating right away.

Jay explained what your group does and why you have Okja and she thanked you. Jay continued while K swiped through images of past missions on his iPad.

"Woah!" Silver suddenly shouted, startling everyone. "Silver, you ok?" You ask, putting your hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine. I'm...good." He mumbled, shaking his head. "He still hasn't eaten anything?" Jay asked, looking over at you all. "No, he's uh...still trying to leave the smallest footprint on the planet that he can." Blond said, letting Silver lean back onto him. "All food production is exploitative." Silver argued.

"Here. Try this?" You offer, holding up a small, cherry tomato. Silver shook his head. "Come on. It's just a tomato." Blond scoffed. "Ripened in ethylene gas. Transported in trucks."

"I admire your conviction, Silver, but your pallid complexion concerns me." Jay sighed before refocusing on Mija and continuing to ask her some questions.

You learned that her and Okja have been together since she was about four years old and had no knowledge of where the people at the Mirando building were going to take her. Just thought they were taking her to the competition in New York. She was lied to into thinking Okja was born in Arizona instead of the reality; being created in a lab.

Jay explained the mission and what was needed to do to execute it...but only with Mija's consent.

"Jay. If this kid doesn't give her consent, what, we just abandon the mission?" Blond scoffed. "Blond, it's her pig, her best friend. We have no right just potentially putting her in harms way for our benefit. If she says no, she says no. We'll have to think of something else." You argue, looking at him. "We've come halfway around the world for this. You've busted your ass for this. We should get this done now." Blond argued.

"Don't be so selfish. This isn't about you or us, and she is Okja's family. So of course we need her consent." Red said, taking your side. Jay sighed in slight annoyance at the bickering, "I will not harm her by forcing a mission upon her that she does not consent to. As members of the ALF, we are obliged to honor its credo."

"We are going to abort because some guy from the 1970s wrote a fucking credo? Is that what you're saying?" Silver questioned, sitting up. "Tradition does not make a movement strong." Blond added as Silver coughed. "We make a movement strong." Silver said, catching his breath. "Well if that's how you feel, call yourself something else and not the ALF and get out of this truck." Jay snapped, the two going silent while looking at one another.

You understood both sides of the argument. You definitely understood why Jay would only go through with it if Mija agreed but semi agreed with Blond and Silver since, as Blond said, you had worked yourself to the wire over this mission and if she said no it would mean all that work was for nothing.

Jay went back to explaining exactly what the plan was and why you needed Okja. K gently replaced the black box in Okja's ear with the dupe you created while Jay proposed the big question.

"What is your decision?"

A small silence fell before she spoke. "She agrees to the mission." K smiled, Okja groaning. You all gave silent cheers. "Let's fucking go." Silver grinned as you stood up, Jay hugging Mija.

You all began preparing your things. This was the next step in the plan, let the police retake Okja; meaning you all had to jump ship.

"What are you doing?" You question, pointing to the bag in K's hand has he tossed his iPad in it. "What? It's ziplock. It'll hold." He smiled. "Sure." Red chuckled watching him strut off, opening the side door. You all put on your masks and waved to the line of police cars behind you.

"Water won't be so bad." Blond shrugged. "Oh, it'll be great!" Red shouted over the sirens. "Like a hot tub." You smirk. "Move! Move! I'm gonna do it! Holy shit, I'm gonna do it!" Silver shouted behind you all, jumping up and down, shaking the nerves out of his hands. You all moved out of the way as he screamed and jumped out, into the water below.

"Me next!" Blond shouted, following suit. "Go, go, go!" You cheered with K as Red jumped off next. "You good to go?" Jay asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yep! Race you to shore." You bet, looking up at him. "Don't make bets you can't win." He chuckled slightly, saying something to Okja just as you jumped out.

You let out a small scream as you were sure you were going to miss. The fall felt long. The cool night air nipping through your clothes as you fell. You met the freezing water with a loud splash.

You quickly swam up, snatching off your mask and shaking the water out of your hair. You saw Jay and K a few feet away fall in. You began swimming to the shore where Red, Blond and Silver were waiting.

"God it's cold." You mutter to yourself, holding your arms out. "Still beat you." Jay whispered as he walked past you. "No way!" You scoff, flicking water from your hands at him. "Positive I did. Ask Blond."

You both walked over to where they were, K upset that the ziplock bag in fact didn't hold and had water in it. "Blond, did Jay get out of the water before me?" You asked, Blond looking to Jay confused. "Yes...?"

"You liars. I just know I won." You say, taking off your soaked hoodie and wringing it out as you four walked. Jay took the wet iPad out of the bag and shook the water off of it.

Passionate [Jay]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon