The dreaded Christmas part two

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The dreaded christmas part 2

It had been only five days since Anthony had walked in on y/n idlie talking about him which had indeed shocked him in everyway possibly though he quite often tried to push the words to the back of his mind, distinctly trying to sneak up into his mind which was always fortunate in his case as her shape her body would often appear in his dreams so close yet so far. But Anthony had no time to dwell on this for the Ball he was hosting for the familys and queen was upon them faster then the winter had fallen. And as so the decrations were set the invitations sent out all in there crisp white envelopes with there wax stamp of the Bridgerton.

As the plates cleared from the long table and the scent of the fresh gingerbread was waffted to the long Bridgerton table which held all of the Bridgertons including y/n and Ms Danbury. y/n was seated at the side of Collin who was now entertaining her with his talk of travel and weird faces which y/n was graciously laughing at. "Collin" y/n said cathcing her breathe you dont think greece it to far from here.

"Well i think about that everyday but the opportunity is so grand i mean to travel the world you understand that I think" he said wrapping his handds around hers "yes but it is awfully far and Id indeed miss you" she replied "well my dear we shall not need think about that right now" he said leaning into her and planting a soft kiss on her lips drawing his hand to her face to brush the hair out of her face there was a loud grunt and the sound of glass shattreing, breaking apart she now starred at collin who was dripping in water and Eloise glass spilled into his lap 'oh my gracious collin I am so sorry" Eloise said "I really didnt mean to break that lovely little kiss you had with y/n" glaring at her "Eloise simply you cannot knock a glass onto me for kissing the beautiful lady next to me, just because you find no taste in love musnt mean you ruin others" he said eyeing her now dabbing at his wet pants

"yes dear I do hate to say it but you musnt dump water on people for kissing frankly its just not something thats well proper" lady Bridgerton said eyeing her daughter

"fine" Eloise said slumping down into her chair and groaning "I just dont see why y/n must be stuck with a man I mean collin is revolting kissing him no thank you" she said "well luckily you musnt kiss me then dear sister" he said throwing the rag into he face "hey" she yelled clawing at the cloth covering face there was a round of laughing from that. After everyone had eaten there filll of the warm soft gingerbread and Lady Danbury was safely escored out the door Lady Bridgerton calling after her about the time of the ball and the children had been tucked in including Eloise who had made a fuss about going to bed so early and Lady Brigerton insting it was only right and that she to was in need of rest,

the rest settled around the warm fire watching the flams flicker up and down y/n nesstled by collins side and Anthony and Benedict sitting in there two separate armchairs the silence easily seen Collin broke the silence "I do believe we must talk about something we cannot just sit here" Benedict looked up "I do think mother was right about sleep we all need some" he said "I suppose you are right" Collin said making his way up "y/n you coming then" "yes I do belvie so I shall be right there" she said "Brother" Bendict said turning his head to Anthony "I will in time be up soon" benedict nodded and walked out with collin the two muttering about some new tea they had seen in town before the room became silent

Leaving the room only to the sound of the crackling fire and light snow tapping the glass windows. "Anthony" y/n lightly he looked up from the flams "what is it" he said "well I was curious to the scandal I heard about in Lady whistledown about well you and Sienna" she said looking over to him

"Your telling me you read that nonsense it is foolishness and you should have no case to belive it" he said his eyes flying back to the fire "my lord you musnt get upset it was a mere question" her voice faltering "if you truly do love sienna then I am most happy for you" her hands twisting into a knot on her lap. "And what concern is that to you me and sienna you are far to occupied with Collin then to read I mean you act as if it is youre business anyways" he said for suddenly his stomach had turned what right did she have caring about his love life she surely dint ever speak on it before when she had had feelings for him and now she was reading Lady whistledown the towns source of talk and though it was true him and Sienna had saw eachother the other evening it did not fill him, take his mind of of y/n as he had hoped it would and as they sat there Anthony becoming more heated it grew quite agravating to the man. "Well Anthony as you know Collin has been distant with his travels and plans so I would indeed say I have had time to read I just didnt know" her voice stopping "I didnt know if it was true it was stupid of me to ask My lord"

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