I opened the door to the room and walked in I removed my gown and slowly crawled into the very large bed I pulled my hair down to a side braid. Soon sleep started to dance all around me and my vision was gone and I had slipped into the land of sleep.

I woke up to a empty bed thank God, maybe Lord Aku had fell in bed with another and no longer wishs me. I need to get myself in better spirts I am waking up alone I feel good and my head no longer hurts. I walked to the window quickly pulling back the curtains to show a bright sunny day with lots of birds and clouds it seemed to be a good day. I changed into a more comfortable gown I braided my hair on the side of my hair to my waist, my seemed to be getting longer.

After I had finished preparing myself I opened the door and the smell of food seemed to over take the halls of the home. I smiled knowing it was Lillth preparing these amazing smells. I followed the smell greeting everyone that I crossed paths with and it was not in my mind but as soon as I turned the corner their he was smiling ear to ear. I rolled my eyes and kept looking forward as I tried to past quikly

"Good Morning Goddess." He raised a hand up blocking my walk way

I stopped , a smile had broke out across my face as I looked up to him. His beautiful face seemed to be more graceful then last night, his skin seemed to glow and his muscles seemed to be more defined.

"May I please pass sir." I asked looking at him in his face

"'Only if you will have lunch with me." He stated and moved closer until he was right in front of me.

I looked at my feet and I knew I really liked Lord Kai but I knew if Lord Aku thought that we were in affairs he would possibly kill him and hurt me something bad.

"I am sorry but for your safety and mines it is best if you leave me be Lord." I kept my head down and he moved his arm, I quickly moved past him and kept walking towards the dinning hall.

When I reached the doors of the dining hall the doors opened and the hall was packed but strangly got quite when I walked in. I looked at the head of the table to see Lord Aku sitting down with Lady Krista sitting on his lap smiling and giggling. His eyes swiftly met mines and he motion for her to get up and she did. Everyone was now watching me, I slowly walked up the side of the table with eyes on me. I smiled at everyone and looked at Lord Aku and glared at him as to burn his soul and walked past him into the kitchen.

I waited and everyone begin speaking and talking, I just giggled Lady Lillth was sitting on the table and eating some biscuit. I walked up and grabbed one off the pan and sat next to her.

"Good Morning." she smiled

"Good Morning." I smiled back

"How do you like your empty bed." she giggled placing the biscuit down

"An empty bed is the best way to wake." I giggled

"Mhmm, well during this time enjoy because when Lord Aku wants a good time he will most likly seek comfort in krista arms until she is showing then he might outcask her to another village." she sipped from a cup and got up off the table and went to the other pan.

"Well thank you." I ate another bite of biscuit

"If you please to adventure out and about then you might want to do it at this time because if you wait till Lord Aku is settle in, you may never get this kind of chance again." she stated acting as if she knew something that I did not.

I nodded and moved towards the door, I looked out to see Lord Aku with Krista on his lap once more and on the other side of him my sweet handsome Lord Kai looking like a real man. Even with him being a viking he was still a very handsome one and something about him made me feel like this was maybe a nightmare changing into a sweet dream.

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