"Aish!! I'm so bad at this" I spoke to myself "What!" Ji-ah asked me.  Screw it !!  "I.. ah.. actually about that day.... I didn't know you were there to give Goo won-ah her bento box and I misunderstood things.. so I just wanted to clear that you know" Aghh!! That was just awful and her expression told the same "So you are always this judgmental?" That's what she has to say? I know my attempt was poor but still...

 Why can't she ever give a damn straight answer It really irritates me but right now... It''s upon me, I have to be the bigger person so I'll let it slide. "No, I.. she's my sister I'm possessive about her you don't have a sister ofcourse you won't know how it works" Someone should just assassinate me or hang me or do anything just kill me!!! 

 I clasped my mouth shut once I realized what had slipped my mouth, Her expression changed, I hurt her again. "Why would you say that? Can't you say a simple sorry!?" Ji ah shook her head, clearly disappointed, and turned around to leave. On a whim I held her wrist, it was a reflex, and she turned around to face me "I'm sorry please forgive me "I said sincerely this time, 

We both looked at each other, The silence felt so loud, I could hear my heart thumping against my chest, every second felt like a long day until her face broke into a smirk "On one condition" she said
"What?" I couldn't understand her
"I'll forgive you, on one condition," she repeated with a huge evil grin on her face.


  "Yah!! Slow down a bit will you?" I yelled, right in her ear but she didn't listen, I bet she couldn't hear me over the roaring engine of my bike. Yes, My Bike!!  I changed my opinion, I was damn sure that she was ignoring me on purpose, to get under my skin. We were riding on my bike and Jiah was the one driving us. As unbelievable as it may sound, It's true that I gave her the bike.

But what else was I supposed to do, I needed her forgiveness however, I do regret my decision now.  Ji ah's laughter cut in my mental justifications. "Stop screaming like a girl!!" she yelled over the booming sound of my baby bike. I was screaming but not because I was scared. Anyone who'd believe such a thing is a fool

I only reason I couldn't stop shouting was my love for my bike. Lim ju gyeoung is not my first love, this bike is!! Heck! No one even comes close to what I have for this vehicle. I was afraid that she was going to crash it.  "I swear If something happens to her, I'm not going to spare you. You'll receive no merc___" my speech turned into yet another scream as she made a sharp turn.

The bike was almost touching the ground, Who is she?? A Grand Prix rider? I had never seen anyone take such turns except on the TV and now I was experiencing that. The bike lifted back up and I felt my heart go back to my chest. Thankfully, we came to a halt and I wasted no time in getting off.

Placing the full-sized canvases I was holding in between my arms, on the ground I rushed over to look for any bruises on my poor baby. There was not any apparent damage but I was still shaken by the experience and I know that I won't be handing over my bike to anyone ever again. Never!!

 Blowing out a sigh of relief, I glared at Ji ah who was busy taking off her helmet. An idea for revenge flashed across my mind and I took her pictures when she was still on the bike holding her helmet. I'm sure, I had a lopsided grin on my face at that moment. Sweet! I mutered looking at the picture, Her helmet was off and our eye connected immediately after. "Is there a female version of your name? I'd like to call you by that from now on" Oh how I'd love to smack that smug face!

'"I'll see How you will react when I will ask you to hand over all of your art supplies to me" there! She had a horrified expression on her face. "And how I'd love to tear all your canvases and splash pain across your perfectly created paintings and how I'll rip out every single fiber of your paint brushes and how.."

Koi No Yokan ___ Inevitable LoveWhere stories live. Discover now