Philly Feast! (Part 1)

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( Nobody's pov)

You were helping put the clothes to dry with your "sisters " Moonshade and Stormy. Meanwhile you admired the scars Tobias had made on your wrists with the taser he had, they were painful but you couldn't do anything about his torture , his whole family was torture actually, devouring on live men just to feed yourself instead of going out to look for food seemed to be the better idea for Tobias, your "family" didn't mind it however, it seemed that they enjoyed being used as bait just to eat their body parts soon after.

However, you were getting treated with respect, not getting forced into too many problems but you still hated this god awful family of yours .

"Rhea!" Tobias had yelled your name out.

You rushed out of your way to go meet him . Tobias was standing next to mother, although he wasn't really your father or she wasn't your mother , you were all a family somehow or another , too complicated to explain to someone.

"Please Rhea, set up the table and make this place neat, we'll be having a new guest hop along."He instructed you to do.

You nodded with no back talk and started to set up the table carefully to not bother mother, adding wine to cups, cutlery and empty plates set around the table . You sighed because new guests meant that a new family member was coming, or else they'd be addressed as fresh meat,it was special for new family members to come to us, of course force was used . Just like for Sunshine. Sunshine was your favourite family member, she understood you, talked to you and escaped. Unluckily, you didn't manage to do the same , only spectate Sunshine on her courageous escape.

(Few minutes later)

(Y/N's pov )

I was tired , barely managing to stand up on my own without the help on leaning onto something , eating the disgusting human meat and then vomiting it right after was not the best choice to keep your belly going ,but you knew that you couldn't manage to eat anymore of human meat, it was miserable and horrible.

I noticed that the new family member was in the kitchen with my "brothers" , Tobias and mother .She had red long hair and looked quite beautiful and badass looking, you was shocked she was managed to get caught .However, it's understandable , your brothers are pretty big and made to take people down, even a girl like her.I wasn't really bothered about her however, the same thing happens , they begin to like getting fed and treated like family and decide to stay and not escape.

I got called over by Tobias after 5 minutes and so did Stormy and Moonshade.

"Why don't you go with Moonshade, Stormy and Rhea? they'll find you some new clothes to wear."

I watched as Moonshade and Stormy went over to our newest family member and dragged her away , i followed right after .

"Why don't you girls do her makeup later after i find her some clothes she could wear ?" I mentioned to them,
both of them agreed and went over to the makeup station to talk while they waited for me and the red head.

I looked in my drawers for clothes at a slow pace and began talking .

"You we're dragged here, right?" I questioned her.

"Yup, i was in a police car and they just, dragged me out , out of the blue no warning no nothing. " She replied smacking her forehead."But why are you talking to me so friendly, aren't you supposed to say that we're some kind of family?" She questioned .

"I'm not really into, their thing.It's a horrible life and it's just-" I was interrupted

"Helloo? are you girls done picking an outfit? we need to be there for dinner." I heard moonshade yell.

"Well." I threw an outfit to her "you can wear this while they get your makeup done.." I hurried out now, waiting for her to come outside.

The red head came out,dressed slutty just like the rest of us and with bright makeup on.It looked awful but that's what we all are. horrible and slutty

"Hey you look -great atleast right?"I stated .

"I look like a post-apocalyptic stripper." She replied with.

"...Right..! Okay.." I rubbed my head

Moonshade and Stormy started heading away luckily, i made my way next to the red head. "So... Whats ya name?"

"Abby." She gave a fast reply, i could tell she was freezing as she got chicken skin and was shaking.

"So Abby, where you alone before you was dragged here?"

"I was with my group and my boyfriend , me and him were out exploring and then i just got- dragged here ." She sighed, rubbing her head,

"Ouuch, i'm sure they'll come back and look for you." I replied.

"Yeah, of course they will, i hope." She said to me.

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