Chapter Eight: The Real World

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The next day found the large, newly blended family enjoying the private cabanas on the beach. Louis played with the girls in the surf while Harry and his dad talked business.

Edward's eyes roamed over a notebook's worth of finances Harry had scribbled for him while nursing a hangover. His father had ordered everyone a massive Mexican breakfast and a Mimosa for his son in an attempt to help.

"I have a few properties in South London. Should be no problem. It'll get you out of your mum's and closer to the shop. You could walk on nice days which will save you the money for petrol."

"You're sure, dad?"

"Of course I'm sure. As long as you maintain the place, it's yours. When we get back I'll look at your full business portfolio, your profits and come up with a fair amount for rent. We'll make sure your housing budget isn't choking you. Oh, one other thing. We have these monthly luncheons for my investment groups and I would love to show off your culinary skills to my colleagues. Brag on my boy a bit. Could you cater the desserts for those occasions?"

Harry was trying not to cry. He was so overwhelmed his dad was proud of him.

"Of course. It will give me something to focus on. A new creation each month. A new wow factor each time."

Edward smiled, a new cigar between his lips.

"I wanna thank you, Harold." He suddenly tore his gaze away from Louis in the ocean to look at his father, shirtless with a beard and cigar, gold cross necklace dancing atop chest hair and a few surprising tattoos.

"For what?"

"It would have been really easy for you to not come here; stay at home, stay rightfully angry at me. It means a lot having you here. And I'm incredibly happy to see what an impressive operation you've built, business wise. You're building a good life for yourself. And... your mom texted me when you came out." Harry blushed a bit. "When you were fourteen? I wish I'd been so honest with myself that young, but then again," he smiled. "Wouldn't have you or Gem in my life."

"Dad? You said we'd talk." Harry pled and Edward nodded.

"I'm..." Edward sighed, eyes darting back and forth from his son to his new husband and the girls in the ocean. "I'm in awe of you. I hope this can be the start of a new chapter for us. I know I can't suddenly make you five again and... play ball with you. I left your mum and I felt guilty. Tried to make up for it with money. Got the insane job to do so and it had me traveling so randomly. Kids don't need to WONDER whether or not their dad will be there or not. You needed certainty and I was trying to build my finances to support you two and Anne and I thought... it was probably easier for you if I wasn't around, just in the beginning. I couldn't be consistent with you and that wasn't fair. I told myself you and Gem were so little, you wouldn't notice or remember. I was wrong. And by the time my job was stable and I could finally be around... be someone you COULD rely on, you hated me. And you had every right to. I can't go back in time and be the parent I should have been, but I can use my connections to help you be the best adult you can be. Maybe that will... I'm just excited to be in your life again, however you'll let me."

Harry smiled, standing up to shake his father's hand before he pulled him in for a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, Harry."

"Just," Harry giggled. "Do better."

"Anything else I can do?"

"I wouldn't mind a giant temper barrel for the chocolate work."

Edward burst out laughing, shrugging. "Why not? Get some estimates and I'll do what I can." He bent over and crushed out his cigar. "Now let's go hit that ocean before my new husband throws a tantrum and calls me an old fart."

We Danced Anyway [Larry Stylinson // Travel 🖤 AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang