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You wake up every morning with the clock clicking, and time is not your friend.
You want to get things done in your time because of that vibrant blood.
You have set a timing standard, road, and patterns your life should fall in.

Fantasies about your Prince Charming,
Wanting him to be all you want in a man.
Life is like a train my dear self.
Carrying a lot of people with different methods in it.

You must have met cruel and nice people.
Boys must have broken your heart.
Friends must have betrayed you.
Move on.

You may not get everything you dream and desire to have but you must be happy.
Happiness will go a long way in filling in empty spaces in your heart.

Your prince charming may never show up but if you meet a beast that loves you, love him.
Your life plans may dabble apart,
Pick them up and move on.

Be happy so you can see your old you.
This is just not a letter from me to me but a letter from me to many young you.

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