"I love you." "I hate You."

Start from the beginning

"No, but I do know how it feels to make the person you love feel so much anger towards them. I know how it feels to sleep every night without them there. How just one glance at them, makes you feel every type of emotion that was ever expressed during your relationship." He walks towards me, not stopping to see if I would let him touch me. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He raises his hands to touch my arms, his warm hands send shock waves all over my cold body. I hug myself, taking a step back. "No. Please just leave me alone, I've already felt so much today. I don't want to be reminded why we broke up." He slowly let's go of me, walking back to the foyer. "I love you Savannah." He sighs, I close my eyes, trying to block his image out of my mind. "Please just go." I weep out, grabbing my mouth quickly, and turning around.

After a while he closes the door, and drives off. I fall on the couch, laying back. Turning to my side, I cry softly. Until I soon fall asleep.

The next day, I woke up in my bed. Covered with my blankets, and dressed in my pajamas. My hair was out in a bun, in which I have no remembrance of. I look over at my clock, '12:47 in the afternoon.' I go under my covers, blocking the sun coming through my window. "Why today.." Throwing my covers off of me, I jump into the shower, and get ready for work.

Deaton had just arrived into the clinic when I drove in the lot, "Good morning." I say to him. He shows me the new species that he had collected while in Oregon yesterday, "I injected them, so hopefully your pack will call you soon with the great news, and we can finally start the real training." I put the vases into the cabinet, collecting one of the dogs, while I'm in the back room. The front door seems to open, and the smell of an old grandma, fills the air. "Hello Ms. Eleanor, how may we help you today?" Deaton says.

I take out daisy, a baby golden retriever, and walk out to the operating room for her daily shots. Deaton comes in with an old lady, dressed in all black, except for her bleach blonde hair. She looks at me curiously, "And what is your name young lady?" I turn around with Daisy in my arms, "Savannah McCall, Dr.Deaton's new employee." She lays her doggy bag of the table, unzips the front and letting her shitzu out. Daisy grabs her nose with her paws, and whines. The smell coming from the bag, hits me and Daisy like a pike of bricks. "She has been dealing with a bacterial infection in her stomach for the last few weeks, but I haven't found any doctor to treat it."

Deaton comes around take a look, even he could feel the smell but didn't show it like daisy did. "Well I could operate him today, and get it out as soon as possible." He guides her to the waiting area, while I put Daisy away. "I'm gonna need you help." He says to me.

He lays the shitzu on its side, "Gimme your hand." I rest my hand on his, before her presses it against the dogs fur. My veins starts to fill with dark goo, spreading over my arms, and neck, before getting to my head. The dogs heartbeat quickens after I finished, "What did I do?" I bring my hand close to me. "You took his pain away." I let out a few of the weeps that I had left in me from last night, but these ones were from joy.

Deaton continues on the surgery, while I made sure that Ms.Eleanor was alright.

"Are you alright Ma'am?" She looks over at me, "Well yes, I'm just praying for my baby girl." Those words, somehow didn't disturb me when she said them. "Well she's in good hands, Deaton's the best vet that I know of."

"I know he is, he healed me one time." I tilt my head, "You're a?"

"Werewolf. Yes, I am. And have been since birth." She says smiling at me. "I know who you are, I also know that you're very talented. Hybrid, Hunter, Athlete, now Veterinarian." She pats down the chair next to her. "I also know that you have been going through a lot, from what Talia told me. I'm very good friends with the Hales. So what's going on?" She shifts herself towards me.

The White Wolf ( Derek Hale Love Story) #7Where stories live. Discover now