Chapter 8

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I was missing for almost three days. 

When Lady Cromwell was asked about me, she said that after our tea meeting I had gone to the woods for a walk and they hadn't seen me since. Liar.

The Queen had sent a search party that went through the woods for hours, day and night, but they couldn't find me. Servants and merchants that come and go to the palace were questioned. No one had seen me.

But Lord Mount kept searching for me, looking for any clue he could find. He didn't sleep, didn't rest. And neither did Lord Rice, always by his side.


Her name was Lady Magrath. She was the one who got pity of me at the chapel, the one who wanted to help me but didn't. Or the one who couldn't if we are being honest. As Lord Mount believed, she had feelings for Lord Rice, and those feelings plus some remorse, made her confess to him what had happened and where I was.

I remember Lord Mount carrying me out of the chapel and putting me on cart covered with blankets. One minute I was awake and the other sleep, but every time I managed to open my eyes a little, he was there, by my side.


Even though I wasn't injured, whatever they had put on my tea had made me very weak. That, and the cold of the chapel, had me stay in bed for the first couple of days, just sleeping. Or trying to. I had never had as many nightmares as during those days. But every time I woke up, screaming and covered on sweat, there was someone by my side. And most times that someone was Lord Mount. 

My cousin would be next to him, but it would be him holding my hand and telling me that I was safe. Those words and his voice were what allowed me to go back to sleep.

After a week, the nightmares were almost gone, and so was the weakness. But I didn't want to leave my room, I was too scared. 

I knew that Lady Cromwell and most of the other ladies had been banned from court, accused of treason since I am part of the royal family. Their families had made a big fuss about it, threatening my cousin, but she didn't hesitate. And even though Lady Magrath was allowed to stay, she decided to go back home.


Going home... That was a thought that constantly kept coming to my mind, and after a while, that's what I decided I should do. Go back home.

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