Chapter 4

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"So... Is there anything you would like to share with me?" my cousin asks.

"No, I don't think so" I say while playing with a kitten. We are at the gardener's little cottage, petting and playing with some of the new kittens born this season. Both my cousin and I have been huge cat lovers since we were kids.

"That's not what people say at court" she insists.

"I don't know" I shrug.

"Oh, stop it. I know you went on a walk with Lord Mount and that you weren't able to keep your eyes from each other. Everyone is talking about it."

"Everyone?" I ask.

"Everyone, cousin. He's the Golden Boy!"

"People seriously need to stop calling him that. It's like you are talking about a dog" I laugh.

"I hadn't thought about that. But the important thing here is... do you like him?"

"I... I don't know yet." Which is a lie. I know I like him. And I definitely find him very attractive and enjoyed his company the other day. But do I like him like on a romantic way?

"You are blushing, cousin. I think that says it all. But I understand how you feel. It happened to me not so long ago."

"Wait, what? You like someone? And you haven't told me about it yet?"

"Shh! Low your voice, someone may hear us!" she says, looking everywhere.

"Then you better start talking, your majesty."

"His name is Lord Benjamin White" she says. "You've probably never heard of him, not many have. His family left the country when he was a kid because his father is an ambassador, and he's spent most part of his life from one court to the other. But a few months ago they moved back home, and he came to court to pay his respects. The moment he walked into the room, I was left speechless. Me! And when we met each other's eyes... I blushed, cousin. I could feel the heat in my face, threatening to burn my whole body. Which is a good description of how I've felt every time I've been with him, or just when I think about his mere existence" she says while fanning herself. "That first day we just exchanged a few words, but he came back the next day offering his services. Turns out he learnt how to paint while being away, and he wanted to make me a portrait. I obviously said yes, and through that we started talking, to get closer and closer... and we fell in love. For the first time in my life, I can say I am in love with someone."

And she totally looks like it. I can see it on her face, on the way she talks about him. 

"Where is he now?" I ask.

"One of his sisters is getting married, so he's left the country to be by her side. But he's coming back and I will be finally able to introduce you to him. I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, but I couldn't find the right moment."


"How do I look?" my cousin asks, more nervous than I have ever seen her.

"You look gorgeous. He would definitely want to paint you again the moment he sees you."

"You are going to like him, I'm sure of it. I was right about Lord Mount, wasn't I?" she winks. I don't reply, I just roll my eyes at her.

I've kept going on my daily walks with Lord Rice, but now Lord Mount has joined us too. And even though it's hard to not pay attention to Lord Rice, who is constantly talking and making me laugh, my eyes can't help but stare at Lord Mount. At the way he smiles, making that damned dimple I love so much show up. At the way he laughs, the wrinkles on his eyes. Or who he's constantly touching his hair, trying to keep it in place now that it is a bit longer. Sometimes, when I'm lost looking at him, he looks back at me. "And when we met each other's eyes... I blushed, cousin. I could feel the heat in my face, threatening to burn my whole body." That's exactly how I feel when he looks at me. And that heat just keeps getting stronger and stronger, but is that what falling in love with someone feels like?

"He's here, your majesty" one of the servants says. I grab my cousin's arm, trying to calm her a bit.

"Here we go" she says.

We walk into one of the private rooms used for meetings, and there he is, standing in the middle of it. Lord White.

"Oh" I say in a little whisper when I see him. Like everyone on this court, he is very handsome. He may not be a prince, but he total stands and moves like one.

"I've heard you, cousin. But remember, I saw him first" she says, elbowing me a bit. "Lord White" she calls. "It's so good to finally have you back."

"Your majesty" he says while bowing, a little smile showing on his lips.

"Allow me to introduce you to my dearest cousin."

"My lady" he says, also bowing in front of me and kissing the back of my hand. "Her majesty has told me many things about you."

"Hope they all have been good, my lord" I reply.

"They have, my lady. Do not worry" he says while looking at my cousin. She looks back at him, and I get a pang of jealousy. I wish someone looked at me like that, have what they have.

We stay talking, eating and drinking for hours, and I get to learn a bit more about Lord White, about all this travels. They also tell me anecdotes about their secret dates, how they've managed to do it until now. 

"But we won't have to hide anymore" she says while grabbing his hand. "Cousin, remember the letter I sent you for your birthday? How I told you that something was happening by winter? Here is that big something... Benjamin and I are getting married!"

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