Chapter 6

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"How did you say this sport was called? Football?" I ask.

"Yes, cousin. Foot," she says while putting one of her feet out of the water, "ball." 

We are at the lake, trying to refresh ourselves a little. We are currently going through the worst of the summer, and the lake has always been the best place to be. Since my cousin became the Queen, she decided to basically move the whole court here during these days. There are tents all around the lake where people spend the night and have meetings during the day. Tables have been set under the trees, the perfect spot to eat or just chat. And every night a big fire is lit, lords and ladies gathering around it to tell stories, sing and dance.

 It's been a couple of weeks since the engagement announcement, so it feels like we've been celebrating since then. And now, a game of this new sport men and women are loving so much at court, is going to be played in honor of the couple.

"And you say it's all about kicking a ball and making it cross a line?" I ask, trying to understand what she and Lord White are explaining to me. He's sitting next to us, though he's in the sun. I joke saying that he's like a cat, always finding the sunny spot to just lay there doing nothing.

"You'll understand it when you see it, my lady" he says without opening his eyes.


The day of the game is finally here, and they've turned one of the fields next to the palace grounds into the pitch. They've painted a big rectangle on it, which is where they men will be playing, and open tents have been set all around it so people can watch it and not get an insolation. Servants have also been invited, having their own tents.

I'm sitting on one of the biggest ones with the Queen and some other ladies. When the players show up, everyone stars cheering. There are two teams, a mix of lords and servants who also like the game. Lord White and Lord Rice are on one of teams, Lord Mount on the other. Just seeing him makes my heart skip a bit. 

We've kept seeing each other as usual since the day of the engagement announcement, not talking about what happened. But when we are on the same room, we look for each other, sharing a shy smile when our eyes meet. When we are out on our walks, he sometimes searches for my hand, just a little touch. And like that day in the garden, my whole body instantly reacts to it.

The game starts, and everyone cheers with excitement. I try to focus on understanding what is going on, how this game is played. After a few missed opportunities by both teams, I think I finally know what is going on.

"My lady, which team are you supporting?" one of the ladies on our tent asks me.

"She supports Lord Mount's team, of course" my cousin smirks, making the other ladies whisper about it.

"Thank you for that" I mutter.

The game keeps going on, no one able to score a goal. When they make it to the half time break, they all are sweating, the white shirts they are wearing clinging to their bodies, giving us a little glimpse of their muscles. It definitely is a plus to the sport.

When the second half starts, Lord White's team scores a goal. People go crazy celebrating, my cousin among them. Not long after, they score another goal. I check on Lord Mount, who is kicking the grass in frustration. 

"C'mon Lord Mount!" I cheer when he passes before our tent, forgetting where I am and the people around me. He looks at me, giving me one of those smiles I like so much.

When the match resumes, I can see him running like his life depended on it. He's determined to score a goal. And even though he doesn't manage to do it, he assists two other players who do score, making the game end on a draw.

While all the players go change and refresh themselves, we move back to the lake. More tables have been set with food and drinks so the servants can also keep enjoying the day. People are already around them, talking about the game, and we do the same. Not long after, Lord White joins us.

"So, tell me, my lady. Did you enjoy the game? What did you think about it?" he asks me.

"I have to admit it, you all were right. It is a very entertaining sport and I enjoyed it a lot."

More people join us, and among them is Lord Mount, who is standing next to me. 

"You played really well, my lord" I say to him.

"Thank you, my lady. I just wished I had been able to score to dedicate you a goal."

"Next time" I say while blushing. We keep chatting for a while, but it's just small talk.

As it starts to get dark, the big fire from every day is ready to be lit. A little group of people has joined Lord Mount and I, keeping us apart. But even if he's talking with someone else, his eyes constantly are on me. I'm lost in conversation with one of the ladies, when he suddenly shows up next to me.

"Sorry to interrupt, my ladies. May I join you?" he says with his most charming smile.

"Of course, Lord Mount! You are always very welcome. Isn't he, my lady?"

"Uhm" I reply. His hand is in the low of my back, and I can feel his fingers going up little by little, playing with my hair. When he makes it to my neck, I feel like my body is melting. More people have joined our conversation, ignoring us. Suddenly he moves in front of me, hiding me from the others.

"There is something on your hair, my lady" he says. One of his hands moves to it, trying to get whatever is on it. The other is on my neck, his fingers slowly going down, and I can feel my skin burning where he's touched me. He keeps moving down to my collarbone, to my shoulder, then following the neckline of my dress, making his way to my chest. And I can't breathe. When I look at him, he's eyes are focused on my skin, darker than I've ever seen them. He's mouth is half open, and I can see him playing with his tongue. "A child doesn't do the things he does with his tongue." My head is spinning, my skin is too hot... And suddenly, he stops.

"There, my lady. It was just a lost bug" he says, showing me the little insect while smiling at me, that damned dimple showing. After that, he just moves from in front of me and goes back to talking with everyone else as if nothing has happened. Though he knows what he's done to me. The little smirk on his face says it all.

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