Church, Food, and More Shopping

Start from the beginning

"I thought your mother works on Sundays!" Claire replied.

Guilt wrapped around her heart as she continued to lie to her best friend, "She had her shift changed and needed me to help her with something."

"Well you could have called and told me, I was waiting for you!" Claire snapped, "I called you ten times and you didn't answer your phone!"

"I'm sorry Claire," Abby apologized, "I accidentally left my iPhone home," lying was not in her nature, but neither was hurting her best friend, so she chose to lie and spare Claire pain.

There was a long sigh on the other end before Claire spoke, "Can you come with me now?" She asked, "there is still a few hours before the stores close, and I would love your input."

Abby's shoulders sagged, last thing she needed was to go shopping for shoes, but for Claire's sake she would do it knowing that it would bring a smile on her best friend face, "Ok, I'll meet you at the corner of Patriot and Touhy in fifteen minutes!"

"That's why I love you!" Claire hummed, "you are the greatest!"

Placing her iPhone on the nightstand, Abby sat herself on the bed and sighed, it would be torture walking down Patriot street window shopping for shoes knowing that Steven could pop up around the corner at any moment. Everyone went out on Sunday afternoons, especially when the weather was warm like today.

Forcing herself off the bed, Abby slipped back into her gym shoes and snatched her pursue. Grabbing her keys and her iPhone, she left her room and went down stairs only to find her mother sitting in a chair in tears. Scattered on the ceramic floor across the kitchen were a few broken dishes and Cucci who was wagging his tail vigorously and barking non stop.

Abby froze, she could tell her father was drunk again and making a fool out of himself at her mothers expense. "What happened?" Abby asked, sick and tired of her fathers drunken outburst and seeing her mother in pain.

Her mother quickly wiped her eyes and smiled weakly, "Nothing honey, I was putting the dishes away and accidentally ....."

Looking from her mother to her father with a look of disgust on her face, Abby walked over to her mother and gave her a big fat hug. Her father swore under his breath  and stalked out of the house in a rage.

"Why do you tolerate him mama?" Abby cried, "haven't you been through enough?"

Her mother placed her hands on her face and cried some more, "I have not the strength to leave him, I'm so sorry you have to witness this."

"You are a strong and intelligent woman," Abby told her, "the both of us can and will survive without him, we don't need him!"

"It's not as easy as it sounds." Her mother said, "how will we pay our bills?"

Abby rolled her eyes, "what are you talking about, he doesn't pay the bill you do with your two jobs!" Abby explained, "and I can get a job and help too, just please promise me that you will throw him out!"

"I want to wait until you graduate and leave for college," her mother explained, "I don't want you caught up in this mess, you will have a new life ahead of you in the fall, and I want you to concentrate on that and not on me and your father."

The idea that her mother was sacrificing her life for hers sent a spear of pain through her heart. She hugged her mother tightly and kissed her on the cheek, "That's fine, but you must promise me you will throw him out as soon as I leave for college!"


It sickened Abby that her mother had to endure so many horror events with her father for so many years. Closing her eyes for a second Abby allowed herself this one moment to take a deep breath and exhale, she imagined all her problems disappearing and she saw her mother smiling happily in a field of sunflowers.


Claire's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, her eyes flew open, it was always a pleasure to see her friend. Her mouth beamed into a wide smile and her eyes lightened up.

After she gave a huge hug to her friend she said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Claire said warmly, "I can never stay mad at you for long anyhow!" The two young women turned the corner and walked towards the downtown area. "I'm so excited Abby, I just can't wait for the dance, I want to surprise Jeff with my appearance!"

"You're a stunning looking girl," Abby told her, "why would Jeff be surprised?"

Claire's smile widened from ear to ear and Abby was glad to see her friend happy. They walked the few blocks to the downtown area and Claire's excitement grew, "I want stilettos!"

Abby turned around to face her friend, "why would you want stilettos  Claire," Abby asked, "how will you be dancing all night in them?"

"I want to be tall next to Jeff, I feel like I'm too short, besides if my feet start hurting I won't care as long as I'm in his arms!"

Both of them laughed, as they walked through the shops checking out the displays in the windows.

"One day Abby I will be dressing in all this fashion," Claire squealed with delight, "I will have an executive position and will have to appear before the council with a worthy outfit fit for a lawyer!"

Before Abby could give her opinion on that matter, Claire pointed at a boutique down the street, "Over there!" She beamed with delight, " the silver shoes, they match perfect with your gown!"

Shaking her head, Abby said quickly, "No, I am not buying shoes today Claire!"

Claire narrowed her eyes, "Are you going barefoot to the ball cause I know you don't have silver shoes at home, in fact you don't have any dress up shoes at home!"

"I can't afford to buy shoes Claire!"

"So what will you wear with your gown?"

"I've decided not to go," Abby said in a low tone of voice, "besides I hate dancing and all that nonsense stuff!"

Walking away, Claire heard Abby calling out to her, but she didn't look back. She walked over to the boutique. Seconds later Abby stood to the left of her with a frown on her face.

"I'm buying you these stilettos Abby," she told her friend sternly, "you are coming to the dance with me and I'm not taking no for an answer!"

"I'm not going to let you spend your money on me and I'm not going to the dance!" Abby said in a firm and unwavering tone of voice.

"You promised you'd come!" Claire said angrily, "and I'm holding you to that promise!"

Without another word Claire walked into the boutique and Abby followed behind her. "Please Claire don't!"

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