The duck nearly flew out of my arms, but stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter, Baby? Are they not your family?"

The duck looked at me with tears in his eyes, and once again, my heart broke. I knew exactly why he was crying.

"Awwwww, you don't want to leaves me, do you?" I held him close to my chest, against my zipper since he loved it so much, and I gently stroked him. "But, you get to be with your family again. I'm sure they miss you very much, and so happy they'll be to see you again."

The duck quacked.

"Awwwww, I'll miss you, too, Baby, very much. Such a sweet little duckypoo you are." I kissed his beak. "But, just because you're leaving to be with your family doesn't mean you're losing me. Awww, you'll never lose me, Baby, no, not at all. Sméagol always love you so very much."

The sweet little duckling nuzzled against my zipper one last time.

"Awwwwww, you're so cute. Sméagol loves you so much. And, my zipper loves you, too, Baby." I giggled as I gave the duckling one last kiss. "Now, go on, Precious. Go be with your family. I promise you'll see me again. Okay?"

The duckling quacked again. Then, he flew off to join his family, who welcomed him back with open arms. The reunion was too sweet for my poor heart to handle.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww..." I cried softly. Then, I turned to see Máiréad standing behind me with the most adorable grin on her face. I giggled. "What is it, Sweetie? What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"You," she replied. "The way you nurtured the duckling was so freaking sweet. You reminded me of Snow White."

"Who's Snow White, Precious?"

"She's a Disney character. Wait, you don't know who Snow White is? But, didn't you sing Disney songs at the hospital yesterday?"

I grinned. "I did, yes, but not a song from Snow White."

"Oh, that's true. Well, she's a Disney Princess, and honestly, you remind me so much of her." Máiréad blushed with embarrassment. "I mean, not that you're a girl or anything."

I giggled. "No, I don't minds, Precious. I knows I have lots of feminine qualities."

"Yeah, and it's actually really cute. You're very nurturing and loving, like the way you were with the kids yesterday, and now, the way you were with the duckling. Snow White's really sweet like that, too."

"Oh, well, we must watch Snow White together. Sméagol wants to know more about her!"

"I think you'll really like her. She's my favorite Disney Princess. I always wanted someone in my life that was as sweet and kind as her."

I smiled sadly.

"So, you, um... you like animals?" she asked, awkwardly trying to change the subject.

"Very much."

"You know, there's a petting zoo across the street. If you want, we can go over there, so you can feed the animals and pet them."

My hobbit ears perked up. "Oh, yes! So much I would love that! Let's go now, Precious!"

I followed Máiréad over to the petting zoo, and my heart melted as I looked around to see the most adorable animals.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" I squealed happily. "Look at all these precious little cutie-pooties!"

Máiréad grinned. "Which one do you wanna see first?"

"Hmmmm..." I thought for a moment as I quickly glanced at all the animals. "Cowses?"

"Okay, cool."

I followed Máiréad over to the cowpin. There were two adorable cows. One was fast asleep. The other seemed to be guarding them. "Awww, how precious," I whispered as I reached over to pet the cow. I was hesitant to pet the sleeping cow. I did not want to disturbs his rest, so instead, I blew him kisses.

"Okay," Máiréad said with a silly grin, "no, no, that's not food. Come on. Let go."

I could hear in her voice she was trying not to laugh. I turned my head to see that the cow had her flowery dress in her mouth. I giggled as I helped Máiréad pry her dress out of the cow's mouth. "Alright, you silly," I teased, giving the cow a gentle pat. "Her dress is not for eating, love."

After we managed to remove Máiréad's dress from the cow's mouth, we both burst into snickers and giggles. Even a few passersby found it rather amusing.

"She thought your dress was food!" I laughed.

"I know! Holy cow!" Máiréad laughed. "We had to mooove quickly to keep her from eating it!"

I laughed out loud at her funny puns.

We petted the cow one last time before we walked away, looking for another animal to visit.

"What animal do you want to see, Precious?" I asked.

"Ummm..." Máiréad looked around. "Bunny rabbits."

"Alright." I led her over to the bunny rabbits. There were several white rabbits together. Oh, so soft and fluffy they looked. So adorable! We knelt down to their level, and my heart melted as one jumped into my arms. "Awwwwwww!" I cried. My eyes filled with tears as I looked into her eyes. So much love radiated from her sweet, fuzzy face. I gently petted her. "Well, aren't you a soft, fluffy little munchkin?" I giggled with tears streaming down my face. "Such a sweet little cutie-pootie you are." I looked over to see Máiréad petting the other bunnies, and squealing and giggling softly, the same way she does when she plays with her sweater blankets. "Aren't they precious?" I asked her.

"They're so soft and fluffy like sweaters," she squealed. "Their fur is tickling me."

Just as she spoke, another little bunny came up to her, and nuzzled against her arm. She leaned over to carefully hug him. He accepted her embrace, and even tickled her face with his fluffy ears.

She snickered and giggled. "Sweeeaaaterrr!" she squealed.

I giggled. "Awwww, you're so cute," I said to her in a cutesy baby talk voice, which caused her squealing and giggling to escalate. Oh, it warmed my heart so much to see her smiling and laughing, and it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. The way she was snuggling with the bunnies as they nuzzled and tickled her, the way she squealed, giggled, and repeated the word "sweater" in her cute little voice, and the adorable smile on her face, all of it made my heart sing such a sweet melody. I couldn't resist but to hum it to the bunny I was holding. The sweet little furball seemed to love the sound of my voice. I held her close as I sang to her, and like most of the other animals I snuggled, she reached out to play with my zipper. She even managed to zip it up and down, causing me to burst into a fit of giggles.

Máiréad looked over, and snickered when she saw the bunny playing with my zipper. "What is with every single animal you hug going gaga over your zipper?!" she teased.

"I don't knows, Precious," I said, still giggling. "I guess they love my zipper as much as I do. Awwww, and isn't it the sweetest and most adorable thing?"

Máiréad kept laughing as she blushed and smirked at me. "It's really cute." Then, her silly smirk changed into an adorable smile as she blushed even more. "Like you."

I blushed and giggled. "Awwwwww, you're cute, too."

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