Chapter 3

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They close the case successfully like always for Yeji, but this time was different because now Ryujin was by her side and she doesn't know how to describe it but she have a weird feeling she has never experienced before, the idea of being with a partner now just feels different for her but is definitely not a bad feeling...

Ryujin's POV

Since the day Ryujin was created she didn't knew how the world was, all she remembered was an empty white room with only other androids but the difference is that no one looked like her and of course, she didn't remembered her life before that, that was confusing even for her, did she really know she was an android? yes, but she doesn't even know what the word "android" stands for

"Yes, I'm Hwang Yeji nice to meet you, it is a really big honor to be the first one to work with your creation"

The first time she meet Yeji, how should she describe it?

Yeji was the second human she saw when she opened her eyes for the first time, Lia was the first one and she was she was quite nice and good with her that was something memorable

The day she meet Yeji was the same day she go out of that room for the first time.

Lia told her her mission was be Yeji's assistant and always protect her and be by her side, they had described it as her "life purpose"

She didn't really know what a life purpose meant but she like to think it was the reason she was there

Before Lia told her that, she already knew she was only there to work but she didn't knew that she had to work for another person

Ryujin knew that Yeji thought she had no brain or conscience, and Ryujin wasn't pretty sure about that one, she could think, of course that's what she's doing right now but her thoughts always return to Ryujin and there were two options..

Ryujin knew that Yeji thought that she didn't have a real brain or conscience and she wasn't even sure of that herself, she knew that she could think, of course that's what she's doing now, but her thoughts always return to Yeji, was that thinking on her own?

Before she knew the real world and how it works she would have thought that everyone was like her

The real world was really confusing for her, there were some things that she didn't understand like why some people sometimes were holding hands with another person, it was a silly question maybe but she still wanted to know

Maybe that was their life purpose

Why didn't Lia explain that kind of things to her? she only explained to her about her work and what she had to do, maybe she had to learn those things on her own

She has only seen the world for three days so there really must be many things that she have not seen yet and that she would surely find difficult to understand

She was programmed with a lot of knowledge about today's society for that reason she knows how to drive, their  language and a lot of other stuff

Among some of the things with which she was programmed was to analyze the behavior of people

So of course she studied Yeji's

She knew Yeji likes to do everything alone but she still couldn't found the reason, she also knows Yei doesn't like to talk about her private life not even with her closest friends

Ryujin knew Yeji was different from other people, she knew it even if she had only been in the world for three days

She really wanted to ask her why, but she also knows Yeji doesn't like her

For obvious reasons she has to keep that doubt to herself because as much as she wanted to ask Yeji, her system prevented her and if she did it would be reported as a flaw

Ryujin didn't wanted to have flaw in her system

Maybe she hadn't been here for a long time but one of the things that Lia had made very clear to her was that androids that had flaws were destroyed

And of course Ryujin could not have any flaws, she was the most perfect android, she was better than all the previous ones

If any failure was reported in her system she knew her destiny would be worse than for other androids

She still couldn't understand why humans did not have the same fate, perhaps the way humans died was different and she knew that at some point she would have to witness one because she was a officer assistant and officers sometimes kill people she still couldn't understand why humans don't have the same fate as androids, the way humans die is different in some way, but she knew that at some point in her life, she'll have to witness a human death herself, because she was a police officer and she knows that police officers witness deaths daily

She was not afraid of death, she was not programmed to feel emotions even so she felt curious about how humans feel when they are close to death, it was something that surely she would never feel for obvious reasons

How was it normal Yeji was back in his thoughts, she wanted to know how she would feel in one of those situations

Although she knew very well that Yeji was not an android she has never seen her show any emotion and that was another thing she found interesting about her

And as much as she tried to analyze her behavior in detail, she could never find anything beyond the fact that she liked being alone

And well to spend time with her cats

She discovered that thanks to the fact that she always finds cat hair on the clothes Yeji wears to work

She would like to know what Yeji's house looks like, Ryujin liked to imagine that it was a bit dark without much light with cat hairs everywhere and messy clothes, and a characteristic cigarette smell

Yeji found out about the cigarettes thing because of Ryujin's smell every morning, she knew she was trying to cover the smell with a flower perfume and mints

Ryujin knew perfectly well that Yeji smoked because of stress, since her eye bags were quite noticeable, for the same reason she knew that she didn't sleep she noticed at least nine cups of coffee on her desk 

Yeji's life was kinda depressing or that was Ryujin's observation

She wanted to know why she was spending so much time alone and let her know that it could be harmful to her health and all the problems it could cause

But as she said before, her system pohibits her, her actions must be limited to her work and only what she needs to do for her work

She really wants to know many things about Yeji and every day she has new questions

At the end of the day that doesn't matter, any of her thoughts matter because every question she has about Yeji or any kind of thoughts about her the next day are deleted

Because her system forbids her to have any kind of emotion.

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