Chapter Two

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The bell finally rings, signaling the end of my torture. I mean, school. I let out a grateful sigh and start packing up my things, making sure to keep my head down so I don't somehow offend the raging bitches that reside in this hell hole. 

Balancing my books on my arm, I wave at my math teacher before walking out. "See you tomorrow Ms. B." I call over my shoulder. I swear the teachers are my only friends. I trudge across campus to my locker, keeping an eye out for anything that looks suspicious. I've come to learn that I have quite the talent for recognizing potentially dangerous situations.

"Who'd ever want to be friends with a loser like you? You thought we liked you? We were just hanging around cause your daddy's got money." I can hear Braydon taunting some poor soul around the corner and as much as I would love to just mind my own business and walk away, that's not the kind of person that I am.

"That's right! Cry like the big baby that you are." My jaw clenches at that and I turn the corner just in time to see Kade Hunt doubled over in pain, trying his best not to let the tears escape. I know that feeling so well, it practically defines my entire existence. 

"Come on Braydon, let him go. It's not worth it." I say calmly, knowing full well what's coming next. 

"Look who it is. Is the princess mad that we're picking on the wittle baby?" He mocks, standing up to his full height, trying to look intimidating. I scoff, after what I've seen, what I've been through, some lame-ass high school bully is nothing. 

"I'm not a princess. But yeah, I'm mad. So just let him go." I say emotionlessly. I've perfected my poker face (after years of practice). 

"You willing to take his place?" Braydon asks with a smirk. "Cause you know, my fist is kinda itching for a face to punch and you seem pretty keen on taking this one away." 

"Yeah, whatever. Just let him go." I reply, keeping up my mask. No way I'm letting him pick on some weak little freshman boy who's probably never had an ounce of struggle in his life. I'm used to pain. Does that mean I don't feel it, or that it doesn't bother me? Of course not. You never get used to it and punches always hurt, but it's better me than some other poor soul. At least I know how to properly take care of injuries.

"Scram loser." Braydon spits at Kade before turning back to me with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You're really stupid, you know that? You think you're such a hero? Saving the poor unfortunate souls?" He punches me hard in the stomach right as those last words leave his cruel lips.

"Well let me tell you something, you're nothing but a weak, pathetic, waste of space that should go shrivel up and die." He proclaims, landing a harsh kick to my ribs with each insult. I swear I felt something crack, but I just grit my teeth and hold in my tears. It would only feed his ego to get a reaction out of me. I won't allow him that pleasure. 

"Thank you for your input. I'll make sure to take you're knowledgeable word for it." I say sarcastically, pulling myself up with my good arm. "Was that enough to soothe your murderous tendencies or do you still need to inflict pain and misery on others to prove something to yourself?" It's only when I see his eyes hardening that I realize I probably should have kept my big mouth shut. 

"You little bitch!" He roars, pummelling me with renewed vigor. This time, I can't keep in the cries of pain. Idiot! Why can't you just keep your stupid mouth shut? You're gonna get yourself killed someday! By the time Braydon is satisfied, it hurts to think, let alone move. 

I wait until I can't hear his footsteps anymore before allowing the tears to stream from my eyes and the soft sobs to echo in the hallway. I know that I don't have a lot of time before I need to be at work though, so I grit my teeth and haul myself up. 

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