"We're home," Maya said gently, placing a hand on Carina's shoulder.

"Ok," the Italian said, opening her eyes. "You ok?" Maya asked. "

Si," Carina nodded, "Let's just go inside."

"Maya went around to Carina's door, opening it and helping the Italian out of the car.

"Just go at whatever pace you need to, ok?" Maya said, putting her arm around Carina's back, "And if you need to stop, just say something."

"Ok," Carina nodded, slowly shuffling toward the door.

There was one step to get into their house, Carina taking it very slowly to see how her body would react. It wasn't comfortable and she didn't want to do it more, but she was pretty sure she would be able to get herself up to her room.

"Are you sure you want to go upstairs?" Maya asked, "You could relax on the couch and then I can bring our bed down."

"No," Carina said, "No, I want to go up to our room. I don't know when I am going to want to come down from our room, but I want to be in our room with our stuff."

"Ok," Maya nodded, "Do you want to rest before we go upstairs?"

"No," Carina said, shaking her head, "I want to go up now."

"Alright," Maya said, "Well, I am right here."

Carina nodded as they headed to the stairs, slowly making their way up them.

"I need to stop," Carina said when they got about halfway up, her abs aching badly.

"Ok," Maya said, moving so Carina could rest her hands on her shoulders, Maya leaning her head so their foreheads were touching, rubbing Carina's back gently.

"I'm right here," Maya said quietly, "I've got you. Just breathe for me ok?"

Carina did, just letting her muscles calm down and her breathing slow down again.

"Ok," Carina said once she was feeling better, "I'm ready."

"Ok," Maya said, pulling away from her wife to get back into position to support her up the rest of the stairs.

By the time they got to the top, Carina's legs were shaking and everything was sore.

"Can you make it to our room?" Maya asked, seeing how exhausted her wife looked.

"I think so," Carina said, trying to breathe through the pain in her abdomen, "Can we just take a little break?"

"Of course," Maya said, rubbing Carina's back as she focused on breathing and calming her muscles down.

"Ok," Carina said after a minute, "Let's go."

It took way longer than normal, but eventually, they made it to the bedroom.

"Do you need to use the bathroom before we get you into bed?" Maya asked, not wanting Carina to have to get up for a long time after she got settled.

"Maybe," Carina said, "I think so."

Maya helped her into the bathroom, giving her some privacy while she went to change into her pajamas, grabbing a clean pair for her wife too, knowing Carina hadn't changed her pajamas since yesterday.

"Bambina," she heard her wife calling, sending her back into the bathroom, "Can you get me another pad?"

"Of course," Maya nodded, knowing Carina had bought pads specifically for after her surgery since neither of them used them normally, but also that the Italian had hidden them under her sink so she didn't have to think about it more than she already had been.

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