Chapter 1: Lucy

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"Will you stop interrupting everything I try to say?" He unfolds his arms, taking a step towards me. I look away from him, hating that he had to be the only family member I have left. It had to be a priest from Kentucky who believes in everything I don't, has disapproved of my dad's ways, and has sent me to a stranger's house to live for the next six months until I graduate.

"You don't get to give me your-" I stumble for words, "-o-opinion about my parents ever again." I order pointing an accusing finger at him, he sighs and nods.

"If those are your wishes . . ." He tells me, surprising me. I nod back, feeling myself start to calm down a bit. I wipe at my cheeks, trying to erase any evidence of how I might have felt in this moment. I know my makeup has to be runny and my eyes swollen.

I walk over to the couch, grabbing my bag and swinging the strap over my shoulder. I bring my hand to my forehead in stress, pushing it through my hair and taking another deep breath. I turn towards my uncle and nod again, wishing I could stop the feeling of continuously wanting to cry. I've never had a moment to myself since their death, people always being around me, making all of my tears desperate to escape.

"I'm ready to go to Mrs.-" I scrunch my eyebrows, "What's her name again?"

"Mrs. Miller, Marian Miller is her name." He reminds me, trying not to become irritated with me any further.

"Miller . . . got it." I nod my head and try to give off a small smile, knowing it will go unnoticed anyway to put too much effort into the fake gesture.

"You are going to treat her with respect, you hear me?" He sternly asks me making me roll my eyes. "You are going to use clean language, be home at whatever curfew she sets for you. You will use manners, you won't disrespect the church." He orders me making me suppress a groan, I don't meet his eyes as I feel my jaw clenching.

"Lucy, did you hear what I just told you?" He sighs as he folds his arms again, I nod my head which makes him look a little less stressed about the situation.

"Let's go then, it's getting late. We don't want to keep her up." He tells me as he shows me out through his office door. I walk through the church, surprised I haven't burned to a crisp yet by just being in here.

I walk outside and I begin to look around, feeling the hot air on my skin. I look down to the ground, seeing that the dirt has kindly already marked up my black boots. I look over to my uncle as he exits the church, holding two of my suitcases in his hands.

"Where's the car?" I question wondering where the hell he's starting to walk.

"No car, besides her house is less than a mile away." He informs as he walks further away from me, I run to catch up to him, wondering how he possibly could not have a car.

"So what? You just like walk everywhere you go?" I question as I move in sync with him, disbelief trailing my tone.

"That is correct, you'll soon see that this town isn't that big. You're going to be walking a lot. " He replies making me frown, feeling homesick as I look around at the small rural houses as we pass them.

"How far is the nearest mall?" I question him, nervous about his answer. He chuckles making me raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"Too far unless you have a car and some hours to throw away." He tells me making me sigh, knowing i'm going to miss my weekly trips to a book store. We walk in silence for a few more minutes, entertaining ourselves with our surroundings.

We pass the high school, which has to be explained to me that yes, it is the high school. It's the smallest educational building I have ever seen, the football field is the most depressing thing I've ever seen, while the brick walls of the building look as if they've been standing since World War I.

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