Chapter 5: Reverberations

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Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over Nihonkoku Shoukan in any way, shape or form. This story is just my personal creative sandbox.
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Central Calendar 22nd Day of the 2nd month of the Year 1635,

Esthiarnt, Parpaldia Empire

Mugei walked up to the First Department of Foreign Affairs early in the morning. It was unusual to be summoned with such urgency unless something horrible had happened.

'They have already questioned me about Mu's relationship with Kalinga. What else do they want?' He stepped into the office to find the Parpaldian Emperor himself sitting on the chair, sipping a cup of tea.

"Emperor Ludius, I was not expecting to meet you this early in the morning." Mugei gave a short respectful bow which the Emperor acknowledged with a nod.

"Ambassador Mugei, what do you think of the Rowlia Kingdom?"

"We have no strong feelings about that barbarian nation, Your Majesty. They don't have anything that could be of use to Mu, and thus of little concern."

"Is that so? I received this intelligence late night yesterday from my spies in Rowlia. Please have a look." The Emperor forwarded a file to Mugei whose eyebrows shot through his forehead as he read the file.

"Truly this has to be a mistake. Over 20,000 dead in a single night and no one knew where they were being attacked from? I can't think of any weapon that can do this."

"What if I tell you that it was the Kalingans who did this?"

"That is impossible. Such feats are beyond mortals, let alone barbarians like the people of Kalinga."

The Emperor put his cup of tea on the table and looked sharply at Mugei. "I don't care what games Mu likes to play, but I will not tolerate them messing around in my backyard. Make sure that your leaders understand this."

"Should I take this as a threat or as an unjustified allegation?"

"Take it however you wish. You are dismissed."

After Mugei left, Emperor Ludius asked Kaios for his opinion regarding the

"Kalinga is a nation of technology, just like Mu without any aptitude for magic. So clearly this is no spell. I believe this to be a weapon leased to Kalinga by Mu."

"Is Mu intending to use Kalinga as a stepping stone to conquer Rodenius?" Emperor Ludius asked.

"Most likely, Your Majesty. The fertile fields of Qua-Toyne alone would feed their army for months while they wage wars on us. We can't allow them a foothold in this region."

"Indeed. Kaios, make sure that the aid to Rowlia is increased. Impress upon Hark Lowria the need for conquering the continent as quickly as possible. We will lend him more ships and weaponry if they need it but I want Rodenius under my foot!"

"It will be done, Your Majesty." Kaios bowed and rushed off to the Third Department of Foreign Affairs.


King Hark Louria XXXIV sat pensively in his private bath as Patagene finished his report. The rest of the war councils were horrified and repulsed in equal measures.

"This must be Kalinga's counterattack after we punished them for killing our sailors! How dare they?" Patagene clenched his fist. The men garrisoned at Barast were good, hardworking men. Some of his finest. To find all of them dead or dying had unnerved him to the core.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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