Thought That I Was Going Crazy

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(A/N This chapter is short af but it's a chapter aaaye. Dedicated to Paraphernalia because she's the first to comment. When I seen she commented I was like 😍.)

Niall's POV

When I first walked into the shop I though I was going crazy. I felt mad. My palms started sweating. "Sir" the boy -or should I say man- spoke in a deep yet quiet voice.He had temporarily looked up from where he was twisting flowers together, presumably making another flower crown like the one that lie on top of his thick silky looking curls.I was nervous so I did the rational thing to do. I left out of the shop quicker than I came in & ran to the coffee shop across the road. He watched as I ran out, but then just went back to his business.

I sat there all day, just watching the man from a booth by the window. I seen a small sign on the door that I had missed when I first walked in that read 'Lou's' in cursive. I also noticed that he had a small pin takes on his shirt that said H. So I watched. I watched how he tended to the plants, how he gracefully twisted flowers together to make nice flower crowns, & how he's interact with the customers when they came in.

Not many people came in but when they did he always greet them with his soft voice & the same greeting he said to me. In one particular case a young family came in.

The man looked maby thirty came in with a woman who looked a bit younger than him, & a little girl no older than three. The woman had the little girl holding her up on her hip, & when H came over she took an immediate likening. The parents asked if he could hold her while they went & checked for flowers. I could tell all this by the way they were talking & motioning.

When he held her the little girl started pointing to his flower crown & tugging on his curls. While most people would be mad or annoyed by this he just held her smiling. & that made me like him more than I did at the initial sight. When the parents where checking out the girl was pouting, probably because she was taken from H.

Right before they left he kneeled behind the counter & pulled out a thin pink & yellow flower crown & gave it to the little girl making her squeal with excitement.

Later on in the day two a guy came in & threw his arm around H leaning on his shoulder.I'll admit the guy was handsome & I was worried he was H's boyfriend. I sat,watched them, & worried. Then another man walked in & I thought it was just an average customer. Till he walked up to the guy that was now sitting beside H & kissed him.

When he did that I was relived knowing H could still possibly be single. I thought about what had happened & how worried I was & decided that I would get H.

& I wouldn't make the same mistakes as the last times.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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