More Surprised Than Me - Morgan Wallen

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Todays the day.

Today is the day where you finally can start the capstone for your history class. It's worth 80% of your final grade and you've been stressing about it since spring break.

You sit at your desk as other students fill in, impatiently waiting for your teacher to give the info out.

"Okay, this capstone is a little different this year." Her words make your stomach drop. "Instead of solo projects, y'all're having partners."

Your face drops. "Are you serious?" You blurt, clapping a hand over your mouth. It doesn't matter what the project is, you always get taken advantage of and end up doing the whole damn thing yourself while your partner takes the credit.

She hands out the papers as she rattles off the list. "(Y/N) and Morgan."

God, can this day get any worse!?

Everyone moves to sit next to their partner, Morgan plops his stuff next to you before slouching back in his chair.

"So, what's the topic?" He asks, leaning forward with his elbows on the desk.

You gotta be kidding me.

"It says," you point at his paper. "We can choose the Vietnam War, the Great Depression, or the impact of the Civil War in the North and South."

Morgan doesn't react.

"Well, I picked the Great Depression."

"No, let's to the Civil War."

"But the Depression-"

"Did y'all pick your topic?" The teacher asks, a sheet of paper in one hand and a pen in the other.

"Yeah, we're doing the Civil War."

"Nuh-uh, the Great Depression."

She sighs and walks away. "Nice goin' asshole." You mumble, flipping through your textbook.

"Okay, call it." She says, a coin in her hand.

"Heads." You say quickly.


"It's tails. Y'all're doin' the Civil War." You groan then shut your textbook.

"Come by my house tonight so we can work on this." Morgan says as the bell rings.

"We can just go to the library." You say awkwardly, watching him pack up.

"Here." He hands you a scrap piece of paper with his address on it. "Mama's makin supper so come eat."


"You must be (Y/N)! Oh, c'mon in!" A light haired woman says. "You here to work on a school project?"

"Yes ma'am." You nod, setting your shoes by the door. "I gotta grab some books from my car."

"Okay honey. His bedroom is up the stairs on the left, okay?"

"Okay, thank you ma'am."

With an armful of books, you let yourself into his bedroom.

"Y'know, your mama is super nice." You say, tossing your books on his messy bed. "So the Civil War-"

"Kids, supper's ready!"

Morgan stands and motions for you to join him.

Dinner with Morgan's family?

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