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"They'll announce our marriage at the ball." He said.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I almost yelled.

"Yes Angel, they told me a few days ago, so I had to inform you before the ball."

"Brice, h-how? I mean do they not know about you?" I asked in confusion.

"That I'm gay? Yes they do." he answered.

"Then why would they do this?"

"I- I don't know, they said that it'll put a shame to our family's name." he said sadly.

"That's absurd, how can they?"

"Elyse, we have to do something, our lives would be doomed."

"Brice, maybe I could talk to my parents?" I suggested.

"El, you're not supposed to know till the day of the ball."

"It's literally the day after." I said frustrated.

"I do have a plan but..." he said.

"But what?"

"It's kinda risky and we'd need more people to inculcate that plan." he said.

"The risk is worth it and about people.... don't worry, I have people who'll help."

"Okay, so take me to your clan, tell them your whole story, introduce me and then I'll lay the blueprint of my plan." he said.

"Fine. Let's go."

He had his car here, so I told him the directions and within half an hour we reached the hotel. I had already called Nat and told her to gather everyone in her room so we'll be heading there. I mean first me then I'll call Brice cause first I'll need to tell them what's the matter.

I rang the doorbell twice, Natalie opened it.

"What happened? Why did you wanted me to gather everyone here?" She asked worriedly.

"Let me in Nat." I said breathing heavily. Apparently the information I just got, I wasn't able to handle it that well.

Wait, is that what mom had to tell me? And she was reluctant. I'm so gonna throw a fit.

"Guys." I yelled as soon as I entered.

"What happened?" They all asked together expect Tristan who was busy on his phone. What's in his phone? He's always on his fucking phone.

Pardon me, I'm extremely angry.

"Guys, I'm in trouble." I said panicking.

"When are you not?" Levi muttered but I heard it.

"Shut up Levi, this is serious." I said.

"For heaven's sake tell what the fuck happened?" Cole said.

"I met Brice today-"

"We know, so what? He wasn't gay and proposed you?" Tristan said.

"Quite the opposite actually, now let me speak." I said showing him my hand, "So when I met Brice, he told me that his parents and my parents are going to announce mine and his wedding on the day of the ball, even though he is gay, they don't care, they think that- that he'll bring shame to the family name if he continues to be with a guy... so I don't know how.. they just planned it out and I had no fucking clue." I completed.

"What is this, the 18th century?" Tristan scoffed.

"No, no Tristan you don't understand. This is extremely common." Marcus told him.

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