And in that moment, Chaeyoung fell in love.

It took her exactly three seconds to find her voice, and when she did, she said, "Oh, no, please. I should apologize. I saw a cockroach  and fear got the best of..."

Chaeyoung stopped talking when she realized she hadn't apologized.

"It was no trouble," the chased girl said, somewhat rubbing her forehead as she gave Chaeyoung an amused smile. "I--Oh! Jennie, you caught me!"

Chaeyoung turned around to find herself facing a feline-eyed girl who clearly had a scowl and concern flashed all over her face who promptly hissed at Chaeyoung, "Did you just tripped her?"

Chaeyoung wanted to say no, but to her shock, and fear of just how the feline-eyed woman looked so scary, she couldn't. Instead, she only shrinked into her feet until the chased girl held the shoulder of the feline-eyed girl and said, "It's alright, Jennie. I'm fine, see? She was afraid of the cockroach and didn't mean to trip me."

When Chaeyoung had the courage to glance, the feline-eyed girl seemed to calm down, and sighed. The chased girl, who she just tripped, kept smiling as if nothing happened. And for a moment, Chaeyoung felt her breath taken away. She knew now was not the time, but she couldn't help it.

"Though, we should clean this mess up," the chased girl said, planting both of her hands at her waist. "Can you get the mop, Jen, and some broom, please?"

The feline-eyed girl turned her eyes at Chaeyoung before at Jisoo. She gave a heavy sigh, muttering a fine before walking away, leaving Chaeyoung and Jisoo in the hallway.

"Is your leg alright?"

Chaeyoung winced, truth to be told, it hurt at first, but as minutes passed by, it didn't anymore. She shook her head and the chased girl only smiled, humming at her.

"I'm Jisoo, Kim Jisoo, have been a trainee here for two years now. And the girl with me a while ago is Jennie Kim, she has been here more a while than me."


"I assume you're new here?" Chaeyoung looked up, nodding slowly as she felt embarrassed.

"I figured. You didn't show an ounce of familiarity when you saw Jennie." Chaeyoung had narrowed her eyes in confusion. And it seemed the chased girl, who is known as Jisoo, noticed it.

"She's popular around." Jisoo said and smiled.

Just when Jisoo was about to speak more, probably to ease the atmosphere, and also to ease the awkward atmosphere as Chaeyoung doesn't know how to build up a conversation with the person she just tripped with her leg. Jennie had arrived with a broom and mop.

"She better mop it up," Jennie said, which Chaeyoung guessed was for her. She murmurs an apology towards Jennie before she starts to take the broom only to be stolen away in swiftness by Jisoo.

"How about I sweep it away and you mop, how's that? Fairity."

Chaeyoung blushed, unable to find any words to say towards her. Instead, she only nodded and minded her business until they were done, which took a couple of minutes.

When they were done, Chaeyoung knew she had to ease the first relationship she just had with her co-trainees. So she bowed down, so low, and muttered an apology to both, which was rejected.

"We're both at fault. I should have looked my way." Jisoo said, flashing a small smile.

"And I shouldn't have let my fear get the best of me." Chaeyoung added, looking up to see Jisoo's eyes on her.

She doesn't even know if she's trying to make it up to Jisoo or she only wanted to see her again. With determination in her eyes, Chaeyoung guessed it worked, because Jisoo finally sighed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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