"Built the paper mill that pretty much put this town on the map."

Ramon and Stella jump up onto the platform in front of the house. Auggie tries to carefully step onto it. Thalia was being helped up there by Chuck.

"Thanks." she whispers to him. He nods and they all walk to the door.

"Could of at least look for stairs." Auggie states pretty annoyedly. "Just as I thought. They got this place locked up pretty tight." he says looking at the large lock hanging on the front door.

"Anyone got a pen?" Ramon asks.

Chuck pulls out his pen from his pocket. A picture of a woman in lingerie on the side "Meet Lola. She's madly in love with me. "

"Yeah, your hand maybe." Auggie tries to joke.

"Nice." Ramon takes the pen apart and uses the nib to pick the lock. He jiggles it around for a good 5 seconds, then you hear a click. The lock unlocks and he pulls the big chains off of the door.

Ramon pushes the door open with little to no effort. The door makes a loud creak, Stella and Ramon both walk in.

"He's so much dreamier than you." Chuck whispers teasing Auggie, who pushes him into the house.

The rest of them enter the dark house. No light, fairly cold, and mega creepy.

"The Bellows had a secret: a daughter that they never allowed to leave the house. The myth is that there was something really off about her." Stella begins to tell the story.

"A really scary part is that her family erased her from every single portrait. To this day, nobody's ever found a picture of Sarah." Chuck says in a mysterious voice walking around with his hand still enclosed with Thalia's.

"They disowned her." Everyone looks at Stella with sad eyes.

A scream echos in the room. Auggie and Thalia both jump, it was just Chuck messing with them.

"Better run, Angel and Clown! Better run!" Chuck lets go of the Milner girl's hand and runs up the stairs with Auggie and Thalia hot on his tail

"Shit! Let's go!" Auggie and Thalia chase after him.

Ramon and Stella chuckle at them.

"Bet you can't catch me!" Chuck's voice calls from the dark hallway where Auggie and Thalia hesitantly start walking.

"Chuck, if you jump out at me, I'm going to punch you in the throat." Auggie deadpans walking with Thalia next to him. "Same here."

The two continue to walk down the dark hallways in search of Chuck. While downstairs Stella and Ramon start exploring places.

Chuck finds a room and creaks the door open, he goes into it.

"You're not going to scare us." calls out Auggie from outside the door. "Chuck?" Thalia calls out.

Chuck tiptoes through the decrepit remains of what once was an extravagant master bedroom. As the footsteps of Auggie and Thalia are heard approaching, Chuck quickly climbs inside a large 18th century French armoire.

Chuck stifles a laugh and hides inside. He peeks out the open door. Auggie and Thalia walk past the bedroom, unsuspecting. 

"Chuck?" Auggie calls out again.

Chuck seals himself into the darkness, trying not to laugh. The sound of Auggie's and Thalia's footsteps come back. Chuck cracks open the door again, only to see -

The entire bedroom is now vivid in color and texture. Exquisite antiquities adorn the walls and cover the room. As if everything is suddenly restored to its 1921 condition.

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