Not interested.

8 0 0

I walk into the bar with the feeling of a certain emptiness inside.

I know that emptiness is probably the lack of food I've been able to consume. Or maybe I'm still heartbroken from what Kylie did to me.

Yup, it's definitely the latter.

I haven't eaten much this week. The last time I've eaten a good meal was six days ago at Momma's house.

Now I'm here at a bar with nothing else on my mind but tequila and getting drunk.

I head over to sit on one of the bar stools and place my head in the crook of my arms to let out a well-deserving scream. It's not like anyone can hear me over this loud music.

I remove my head and look up to find one of the bartenders facing me with a quizzical look while handing out drinks to people. "You good?"

I stand corrected.

"Yes. Why would I not be?" I ask, my face heating up from embarrassment.

She collects orders and gives people their drinks quickly and smoothly. It's as if she has eight hands behind her helping her with her job.

She catches me staring and I look away. I'm tempted to scream again but I'm not willing to risk the embarrassment. I simply put my head in my hands.

"What can I get for you?" The Bartender says.

I whip my head back up so fast I saw white.


She looks at me for a few seconds before tilting her head. "You got an ID?" She asks as she folds her arms and puts a towel on her shoulder.


"Listen..." I check her name tag. "Catra. I turn twenty-one in a few weeks okay. So, can you please do me this one favor and just give me one glass? I won't tell anyone."

"I'll give you your tequila," She turns around and grabs a glass, and slides it in front of me. "Once you show me some ID."

She reaches down and grabs a bottle of water pouring it into the glass, giving me a mocking smile.

I shoot her the bird before grabbing the cup to take a sip. Annoyed, I push the glass out of the way before placing my head in the crook of my arms again.

A hand on my shoulder causes me to jolt back up. Infront of me, a man is standing there looking down at me with a lopsided grin on his face. He's swaying back and forth, and the strong scent of vodka mixed with his awful cologne is blocking my senses.

"Wanna go hit the dance floor 'Lil momma?" He asks, slurring over his words and rubbing his hands up and down my back.

I look at him with disgust before responding. "Not interested."

Wobbly here doesn't seem to be getting the hint because I start to feel his hand rake down to my waist.

Agitated, I stand up and grab his arm twisting it behind him and pushing him against the bar counter. I've had a lot of pent-up rage and taking my anger out on this guy will be doing the world a huge favor.

"Listen, buddy, I'm not in the mood to be dealing with dickheads like you today." I turn him around and give a swift elbow to the jaw. He yelps from the pain, and I punch him in his mouth. "Some people have a bad day; I've had a bad week. So knocking you out right now would certainly make me feel better." I grab his jaw fixing his attention on me.

"Please don't hurt me!" He cries from below me, tears streaming down his face. Seriously? He got two hits in the face and he's crying? Men.

I raise my fist ready to deliver another blow when a voice calls out from behind me. "Adora?"

I turn around to find the one person I was hoping to never see again. "Kylie?" I throw the idiot from earlier on the floor forgotten as I straightened up. "What are you doing here?"

"This is my family's bar, remember?"

Right. Her family owns a bar. Pull it together Adora.

I run my hands through my hair and took a good look at Kylie. She looks even worse than I do. Her hair is all tousled and she's wearing sweats with a baggy T-shirt. Kylie never had a hair out of place in all the years I've known her, and she seemed to be allergic to anything that wasn't glued to her skin.

A small part of me is hoping she's been having a crappy week as well. That she felt bad for what she did to me.

There's a moment of awkward silence before she finally speaks up. "So, what are you doing here? I don't think you're allowed to be here." Oh please. As if we weren't getting wasted just last week in the backroom. 

"I'm actually here with someone." The lie slips past my lips before I can stop it. "A date."

She looks shocked. "A date?"


"Wow, already?" She runs her hand through her hair and blows out a breath. "So, who is she?"

"Why do you care?" I asked because it was obvious, I'm getting to her.

"This is my family's place. I make it my business to know who's here." She begins to play with the ends of her hair. A sign she's lying. "So, who is she?"

Shit. I mentally slap myself in the face before blurting out the first name that comes to mind. "Catra. Her name is Catra."

Her hands stop messing with her hair. "Catra? The Bartender that works here Catra?"

"Yup! Oh, here she is right now." I grab Catra's arm as she was walking by us and pulled her close by my side.

She shoots me a dirty look before preparing to pull away but my grip around her waist only gets tighter.

I'm worse than that man I beat up earlier today. God, forgive me.

"Okay listen up blondie, I'm not giving you any alcohol and if you think—" Catra was interrupted by me.

"Catra for the last time my name is Adora. Stop calling me that." I give her a smile that hopefully says play along.

"So, you're on a date with Adora?" Kylie asks looking her up and down.

"You know it was nice seeing you today, but I think we're just going to go back over there to mind our business. Why don't you go do the same."  I turn away from her bringing Catra with me and head to the opposite end of the bar. I release her and sit on a bar stool.

"Date, huh?" She asks, lifting one eyebrow and folding her arms across her chest. "I don't even know you."

I wipe my hands across my face and sigh hard. "I know, I know I'm sorry." I could feel my face get red as I fight the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. This is so embarrassing.

"It's just that, she's my ex and she cheated on me along with other things and I wanted to make it seem like what she did, didn't affect me so I lied and told her I had a date and she asked me who and I was still upset that you gave me water instead of my tequila earlier so your name was kind of at the top of my head because I really wanted to slap you." My voice broke at the end of my rant.

"Uhm. Okay then." Catra stands there awkwardly like she doesn't know what to do.

I'm literally bringing my problems onto a stranger. What is wrong with me?

"I'm sorry. I don't even know you and I'm just telling you all this shit as if you could actually help me." I stand up preparing to leave when an arm stops me.

"Did you drive here?" She says, removing her hand quickly from my arm.

"No. The plan was to come here and get wasted. I don't really have friends to drive me home." TMI...

"Well, that's nice. Not the part about you having no friends, that's kind of sad but- oh whatever. We can catch the bus together if you want. I just finished a twelve-hour shift and I'm looking way better than you are right now."

Ouch. subconsciously, I rub my hands through my hair.

"Sure, we can take the bus."

She grabbed her things from behind the counter, and we exited the bar.

Word Count: 1738

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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