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i am very good at titles.


Gordon ramsay is online

Irresistible😌💕 is online

Irresistible😌💕gifted Gordon ramsay admin status

Gordon ramsay kicked Irresistible😌💕 from the chat.

Gordon ramsay kicked Bestest waifu from the chat.

Gordon ramsay: okay bitches.

Gordon ramsay: Online. Now.

Electrobean is online

Alien kween is online

//Insert dick joke// is online

Alien kween: did u just kick mido right fter he gave u admin💀

Electrobean: Yeah kinda dick move

//Insert dick joke//:   ^

Gordon ramsay: Shut up.

Gordon ramsay: The nerd didn't do shit, i did

Alien kween: what

Alien kween: So you stole his phone to give yourself admin and kick him?

Gordon ramsay: No, i stole his phone so that I could kick him and A bunch of extras and do some other shit.

//Insert dick joke//: What?

Gordon ramsay: Just. Quiet. All of you.

Gordon ramsay kicked Baddie auntie

Alien kween: Awe man😔

Gordon ramsay: Don't thirst for my mom fucking weirdo

Alien kween: I was not!!!!

Gordon ramsay: liar bitch

Gordon ramsay kicked Futtershy but not rly

Gordon ramsay kicked WillFiteAizawaForAdoption

Gordon ramsay kicked Midnight

Alien kween: aw, whyyy

Electrobean: boooooo.

//Insert dick joke//: She didn't even get to say anything

Gordon ramsay: idiots, the lot of you.

Gordon ramsay added Midnight  2.0

Gordon ramsay: That was her old phone number

Gordon ramsay: He added that one for some reason

//Insert dick joke//: oh

Alien kween: Why'd he do that??

Gordon ramsay: Do i look like i fucking know?

Gordon ramsay: And he had her new one so

Alien kween: Curious, very curious.🤔🧐

Electrobean: Indeed.

Midnight 2.0 is online

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