Where is the Book?

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Hi! I'm going to be publishing through KDP, and unfortunately this means I won't be able to share my book publicly for free on this format anymore.

For everyone who has read the book before this change, thank you. All of the kind comments and words have been pushing me to do this thing that I've been wanting to do for, well, as long as I've been writing. Most of my life.

I'm excited for a real book of mine to be sold!

To the people who haven't read this yet and want to, please, keep an eye out for my book under the same name on Amazon and Kindle!

And for everyone either just passing through, what remains of the book are the intermission pages complete with art that was done by me and several of my friends who have been inspiring me to write as much as possible. I want their work to be continued to be shown and the credits to them to still be available!

Thank you to Wattpad for giving me my start. Thank you to the readers for giving me the drive to move forward! And thank you to, well, everyone who is passing through. Because it's people like you I want to inspire to move forward and do what you want to do in life!

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