That was when I noticed the class had suddenly gone deathly quiet.

I glanced up at my other classmate, and saw they were all staring at me like I was some sort of crazy person, their gazes flicking between me and the boy I was sitting next to, who still didn't seem to notice me.  Ignoring them and turning to my new deskmate, I cleared my throat quietly.  "Hello?"  No response.  I poked the boy's elbow--since he was resting his chin in his hand while staring out the window--and tugged gently on the material of his uniform to get his attention.

The boy's head snapped around, and I nearly gasped in surprise.  His eyes were so. . .intriguing.  One was a dark chocolate brown, while the other was a light gray that nearly matched my own.  They were gorgeous.  Although, he seemed to carry a dark aura around him, like he didn't want people to get near him.

I smiled nonetheless, and introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Gwen Gardens.  It's nice to meet you."

The boy blinked rapidly at me, before bowing his head, hiding his discolored eyes from view with his dark blue-dyed hair.  "You shouldn't sit next to me."

I tilted my head.  "Why not?"

The boy lifted his head slightly to glimpse me through his long, wavy blue hair.  "Because you might get Cursed if you do."

I blinked.  Cursed?  I folded my arms on the desk and leaned forward, the silence around us still deafening, and I knew my classmates were all listening in on our conversation.   I tried to ignore them.  "How so?"

The boy copied me and folded his arms on the desk while leaning forward, his hair completely hiding his face from view now.  "Don't you know it's an anomaly for a Wizard to be born with two different colored eyes?"

I blinked, confused for a moment.  "Really?  I wasn't aware."

"Then I suppose you're also not aware that because of this anomaly, the said Wizard will have dangerous Magic and carry a Curse on their body for the rest of their lives?"  The boy went silent, and nobody dared move for fear of attracting the Curse towards them.  Which was ridiculous, by all means.

I narrowed my eyes in anger.  "Excuse my language, but that's complete bullshit."

The boy snapped his head up at me to stare, seemingly speechless.  "W-what?"

I glared over at him.  "I don't believe you're Cursed, and neither should you."  I swear the whole class heaved a collective gasp at my words.

"But, you-"

I shook my head, cutting him off from speaking any further, and smiled softly.  "Let's just be friends, okay?"

The boy grinned then, his two different colored eyes shining with what seemed like gratitude.  "Nice to meet you, Gwen.  My name's Rian Pillar."  I grinned and held out my hand then.


He gripped my hand tightly in his own large one, the smile never fading from his face.  "Friends."

"Please be seated.  Class has begun."  Professor Ivangard walked in then, his silvery hair pulled back in a tight low ponytail just as it had been earlier this morning when I first met him.  I gulped.  He was still rather intimidating just like before.  "We have a new student with us today."  Professor Ivangard searched the room for me, his eyes widening slightly at where I currently sat once he located me, but didn't comment on it.  "Miss Gardens?"

I stood up slowly, patting down my skirt as I folded my hands in front of me nervously.  "Hello, my name is Gwen Gardens.  It's nice to meet you all."  I gave a small bow before sitting back down in my seat beside Rian.

Professor Ivangard nodded at me, before addressing the rest of the class, "Today you will be learning about Talismans.  You will pair up into groups of two, and create a Talisman out of an ordinary piece of paper to protect your partner from the rain."  Rain?  What rain?  "I will be using Magic to make it rain, and depending on whether your Talisman truly protects your partner from the downpour, you will then receive your grade for today's assignment.  You may begin."

I turned towards Rian as he did the same.  We smiled at each other.  "Wanna be partners?" I asked with a small grin, and he chuckled humorlessly.

"Not like anyone else is going to want to partner up with me, anyway," Rian said with a sad smile, and I glared at him before punching his forearm.  "Ow!"

"Stop thinking so negatively," I hissed, and dug through my satchel bag for notebook paper we could use for the assignment.  "Here."  I handed Rian a piece of lined paper, before grabbing one of my own.  "Now how does this work exactly?"  I was actually completely lost on how to make a proper Talisman.

Rian chuckled and drew a perfect circle on his paper, before placing his palm lying flat on top of it.  I copied him once I had drawn my own circle.  "Now you just have to concentrate your Magic into the circle."  I nodded and watched as Ryan closed his eyes, focusing his Magic into the paper below his palm, and glimpsed a dark indigo blue glow light up beneath his hand.  He then opened his eyes and turned to me.  "Now you try."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, focusing my Magic to flow through my hand and into the paper.  It took so much concentration--plus my mind kept wandering back to the conversation I had with Prefect Eli--which led to me being distracted.  I peeked my eyes open once I thought I was done.  "Did I do it?"

Rian shrugged, seeming unsure.  "I guess so.  Let's try it."  We swapped papers then and waited for the rest of the class to finish up their Talismans.

"Stop," Professor Ivangard ordered, and raised a pitch black stick that I assumed was his wand, and waved it while muttering an incantation to summon the rain indoors, "I invoke thee, waters from the sky.  Aqua Pora!"

A light drizzle began to pour down over us, and a transparent-like shield formed above my head like an umbrella, the water not being able to land a single drop on me.  I grinned.  "Rian, it worked!"  I looked over at Rian, only to frown.  The Talisman I had made formed the umbrella shield above his head like it was supposed to, only the paper itself was sparking.  None of the others' Talismans did that.  "What is-ah!"  I covered my face as the Talisman exploded in Rian's hand as he cried out in surprise along with me.  Then I felt something wet and slimy plop down on my head.  "What the-"

"Ew!  Get it off me!"

"How did these things even get in here!?"

"Gross!  It's in my hair!"

"Somebody grab a mallet!"


Everyone in the classroom was freaking out as the drizzle turned from regular water, to raining frogs.

Oh, boy. . .



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