A Paladin at Rest

Start from the beginning

It was as Nina was stepping into the robe – safely hidden behind a screen – that the door opened and admitted, to Laudine's surprise and delight, Princess Manon.

Queen Manon, Laudine corrected herself as everyone stood and bowed. Their own surprise, relief, and excitement swirling through the air.

"Oh, stop that," she snickered, waving to all of them. "You never bowed to me like that when I was a princess, no need to start now."

"Manon, you made it!" Nina beamed as she stepped from around the screen, nervously playing with the hem of her robe.

"Wouldn't have missed it." Manon stepped forward, arms outstretched, to embrace her. "I'm sorry I'm late. We hit a storm crossing through the Pass that slowed us down a lot. We had to push the engines to the limit to make it."

Nina shook her head, eyes sparkling with a combination of joy and tears. "All that matters is that you're here. I know Erec was scared that you might have been forced to miss it. What with everything going on... er..."

A pinched look came over Manon's face as she was reminded of all the trouble that was taking place in her new kingdom. But she quickly banished it and put a smile on her face.

"Never mind all that. How are you doing, Nina? You feeling all right?"

"No," she moaned, patting down the robe. "How do you possibly come to someone like this? Completely bare? Totally exposed? It's terrifying!"

Manon chuckled. "Yeah, try doing it to a man you barely know."

"You and Jacques were raised as cousins!"

"I hadn't seen him for almost ten years! He's a man now and-" Manon's voice cut off as her face flushed red.

Laudine's head tilted curiously at the hint of desire rolling off of Manon as she thought of her husband that, Laudine knew, hadn't been able to come with her today. Gascony was in a delicate state and both king and queen couldn't safely leave. Laudine could still feel the tingle of guilt Manon felt even at just escaping it for a short time to see her brother's wedding. But Jacques had insisted that she go and promised he could handle running the kingdom without her for a short while.

They had all been told that Manon was coming, but that it would be a tight schedule. She wouldn't be able to stay long, but she really wanted to be there for the day her brother was married and his queen was crowned.

"Never mind that either," the young queen mumbled, pushing back her hair that had been mussed in her rush to make it to the room. "This day is about you two and I'm not going to let anything distract from that."

Nina smiled and pulled Manon into another embrace. "Thank you for coming. Really. It means a lot. To both of us."

Laudine smiled at the exchange as she sipped at her tea. That last niggling doubt and guilt drained from Manon in the face of Nina's gratitude. She knew that she had made the right choice, even if it felt slightly selfish.

"I'm just glad I wasn't too late," she said, stepping back. "I passed Gael on the way up. I think it's almost time."

Nina nodded. "I'm excited. Nervous, but mostly excited. How do I look?"

Manon laughed. "Like a queen, of course. I'm going to head on down to the hall. Don't get lost on your way."

Nina chuckled as the other paladins stood, one at a time, and wished her well. All of them that could be were here. Colette couldn't leave South Gate since her newborn daughter was too young to be separated or travel and Lea was with Emilien in Gascony, helping to keep things together there.

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