"Molly, rotate to station 3." A voice broke into my thoughts.
I nodded, gathering my things as I left the spot where our eyes locked, where I made a memory I'd never forget. I tip-toed to the next station, scanning the room and peering over shoulders, but I didn't see him. I let out a sigh, tossing my papers and my purse on the desk. Now I was the one giving vaccines, and I couldn't care less.

"So, we meet again."
I almost gasped as I looked up from my seat, my eyes wide with desperation.
A smile filled my view, but it wasn't his. It wasn't who I hoped it'd be. It was that cocky pilot's. I'd forgotten every manner that was taught to me since I was a little girl, and groaned as I slumped back into my seat.
"Drop your skivvies." I glared.

꧁ 💌 ꧂

"You know, you're really beautiful." He said.
He was bent over, his arms rested on the steel table, half exposed. An awkward moment for your Average Joe, but not for him. He hadn't an ounce of shame.
"Thank you." I half-smile, quickly glancing over his chart. Rafe McCauley, the name at the top read.

"You know, I think you'd be doin' this country a service if you let me take you out sometime." He said, all dreamy-eyed.
"Oh, is that so?" I said with faux cheerfulness. "And why's that?"
"Well, I'm a great pilot, you're a great nurse. I think we'd make a good-- Ow!" He shouted.
I poked him with the needle.
"Oops!" I tried to sound sincere, though it hardly worked.

"Why don't you let me take you flying sometime," He stood up, turning to me, his mouth forming yet another brash smirk.
"Look, Lover boy, it's been a long day so I'd appreciate it if you--"
"Well, fine." He held his hands up in defense. "Just wait, you'll be askin' around for me one of these days."
"Oh, I'm sure I will," I said sarcastically.
He was repulsing, I hoped I'd never have to see him again if you want to know the truth.
"Don't miss me too much." He turned for the exit.
My goodness, what a jerk he was! He was handsome, sure, but my mind will never fathom how someone could ever be so cocky. He was utterly revolting; I couldn't stand him.

"You are just full of hot air, aren't you?" I said, raising my eyebrows as I crossed my arms over my chest.
He stopped in his tracks, turning to me with a disgruntled look in his eyes.
"I am not." He scoffed.
"Oh, yes you are!" I almost laughed.
"Okay, Rich girl, let's play it that way." He said smugly, stepping toward me.
"Bring it."

"You're--" He studied me, his eyes moving up and down like a shot. "you're short."
"You're big." I raised my eyebrows.
"Oh, shut up."
"You shut up!"
"Alright, well, obviously I'm barkin' up the wrong tree here."
"You sure are." I scowled. 
My eyes were brooding and I hardly knew why. I stood before him, glaring at him in such a way I would've never expected myself to.

I broke from my haze of anger and handed him his chart. He disappeared behind the curtain.
I sat at the desk, my palm resting over my forehead. I had a terrible headache. I shook my head, swearing under my breath until I remembered why I was so distressed.

Him, I thought.
I shot up from my seat, covertly slipping out behind the curtain, rushing to the desk posted front and center in the hospital. There sat a man, intensely concentrated as he tapped on his typewriter, his eyes bordered by black-rimmed reading glasses.
I cleared my throat as I posted myself in front of the desk, an overly friendly smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"You wouldn't happen to have a list of names of every pilot stationed on Long Island now, would you?" I batted my eyes, resting my arms on the desk.
"Ma'am, that is confidential information..." He started.
"Well, what about every pilot who came here today?"
"What exactly is your motive here, Ma'am?" He raised an eyebrow, pushing his glasses to the tip of his nose.
"Oh, nothing! Just... wondering." I smiled nervously.
"Unfortunately, I can't disclose any information to anyone without the proper authority." He sighed, getting back to his typing.

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