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Tuesday, 9:45am

I was now running late because we over slept, thanks to August wanting to watch movies all night and trying to get me to teach him how to play Patty cake, he was so uncoordinated. I put on my shoes.

"August let's go, you're going to make me miss my Spanish test" I shouted

He was in the shower for 30 minutes now. It doesn't take that long for a man to wash themselves. Just when I stood up he came out the shower with a towel wrapped around his body and water dripping from every curve in his abs. I watched him over to his bag by my bed and take out his clothes.

"you straight?" he said smirking at me. I playfully rolled my eyes at him as he laughed

"Just hurry up October"

I walked downstairs and seen August keys on the counter and thought for a moment. In 3 weeks I turn 18 and I never drove a car before. I tried to get him to teach but he said and I quote, "you got me, you don't need to learn". So I never actually drove a car but I really want to. It can't be that hard right?

I hesitantly grabbed his keys and walked to the car and got in. I started the car up and looked down and seen the the letter "D".

"Drive, right?" I looked up at the mirrors and fixed them to my liking and looked back behind me like I see august do all the time before pulling back.

I stepped on the gas and it took off full speed towards the house.

"Ahhhh" I stepped on the brakes hard and my body jerked. I seen August run outside with one shoe in his hand and holding his hands ups

"What the fuck you doin Promise?" He screamed walking over to the drivers side and opening the door.

"Get out"

I hopped out the car and walked over the passenger side and got in.

"I just wanted to drive" I said lowly

"And you was drivin....right through tha fuckin house"

I sat back in the seat as he kept screaming at me. I hated when people screamed at me. I was too sensitive for that

"I'm sorry I just wanted to learn how to drive" I said as he pulled up the school.

"ask me next time. You can't just hop in this expensive ass car and act like you in fast and furious!" I nodded and quickly wiped my tear.

"why you crying for Promise?"

"Because you're yelling at me"

I looked over at him and he had the most confused look on his face.

"Um Ight I won't yell at you. My fault" he said confused. I rolled my eyes and got out the car and he called after me.

I walked in the building and they did the basic search routine without Mr. touchy actually searching me. After that day I told him about me he never even attempted to touch me or my friends. I walked to my locker and quickly walked to my Spanish class. I quietly opened the door and snuck in and stopped at my teachers desk.

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