Chapter 22: Cleaning Out My Closet

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After school me and Corey headed to my house in his car. The whole way there I felt sick to my stomach. Just knowing that my Mother was killed there.

When we pull up I saw the yellow tape around the house and cops coming in, and out of the house. I haven't been here since the incident.

I just sit there and look, and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate.

"Hey, Summer are you going to be ok?" Corey asks with concern.

I turn to him and try to hold back tears. At this point memories start to come back from that horrendous day.

"Hey, baby it's ok, it's ok." Corey says pulling me in to him.

"I'm ok. I have to face it." I say trying to regulate my breathing.

Corey look at me with concern and quietly says, "Okay, I'll be right there with you."

I nod my head and get out of the car. Corey grabs my hand and we walk to the front door. But, we are stopped by an officer.

"Sorry, you can't come in. This is still an ongoing investigation." the officer says.

"I live here or at least I lived here; until my Mother was killed." I state.

"What's your name?" the officer asks.

"Summer Leaf. My mother was Marianne Leaf and my Fa-ther is you know..." I trying to get those horrendous words out.

"Oh, yes. Summer Leaf. Um, well we can grab your stuff for you. But, you just can't go in, because there is still a lot of evidence; that need to be taken in." the officer says.

"Fine." I says with no emotion.

I hand over my duffle bag to him.

"I just need all my clothes and hygiene products." I say.

The officer nods his head and says, "Sure, thing Ms. Leaf."

Me and Corey wait out side for the officer.

I walk over to the outside of my bedroom window. I peek in and see people poking around and collecting evidence.

My stomach drops when I see that my Mother's blood stains are still there.

I touch my bedroom window and swallow the lump in my throat.

Corey wraps his arms from behind me, and lays his head in the crook of my neck.

"It's going to be ok." Corey says.

"How?" I whisper while still looking through the window.

"Because I'm here." Corey states.

I turn towards him and lay my head on his chest.

"Thanks." I whisper.

I eventually get my duffle bag of the rest of my stuff, and we head back to Corey's.

I didn't say a word the whole way.

I head upstairs to my room once we get back, and Corey follows behind me.

I sit on my bed and bring my knees up to my chest. Corey sits on the bed beside me.

"Are you ok?" Corey asks.

I look at him with slight pain and say, "Eventually... I just still need time to get over it."

Corey nods his head and says, "I have some good news."

I look up at him smile, "What is it?" I ask curiously.

"I got an acceptance letter from UCLA." Corey says happily, but, with a hint of hesitation.

I smile and it quickly fades away, "That's great..." I look away, "When did you find out?"

I know this means that when we graduate, we won't be able to see each other; when we go off to college.

"A couple of days ago." Corey says quietly.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes; until Corey breaks the silence.

"I know that it means we'll be away from each other..." Corey says.

I look at him smile, "Don't worry about it... I want you to go where life takes you, and if that is at UCLA; then that's were you belong." I say.

Corey sits closer to me and whispers, "If life will always lead me back to you..." he whispers.

"How do you know?" I gently say.

"Because I was already led to you twice. Once when we first met, and the second time is when I came back." Corey smiles.

I look at him with genuine love and appreciation, "Were like magnets." I say with a smile.

"Yea..." he whispers.

We kiss each other passionately, and get lost in each other's caresses.

I want this time with him to last; as long as it can.

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