Chapter 2: Troublesome Work (Lisa's quest)

Start from the beginning

"Goodness, is that the time? Marjorie, one last thing – about "The Legend of Vennessa"–" Lisa got interrupted

"Oh, so you're a fan of the gallant Lady Vennessa too? Why didn't you say so? I have all sorts of items I could recommend..." Majorie got excited and then show many items "For example, this lion's tooth pendant with Vennessa's name carved into it. It was once a medal awarded to a knight by the great lady herself!"

"..." Lisa felt a little annoyed for interrupting her

"Uhh, miss Majorie. She was asking about the library book you borrowed." Lightning felt an angry aura from her.

"Oh my goodness! I do apologize, I got so excited when you mentioned Vennessa. I didn't know that book was overdue. Even though I take it with me everywhere... I can't believe I didn't put two and two together as soon as I saw you here, haha... Here you go." Majorie gave the borrowed book back to Lisa

"*sigh* Well, since you look up to Lady Vennessa so very much... Please be more punctual next time." Lisa told her

"Yes, Lisa. I will be, Lisa."

"Let's go and find the next overdue book." Lisa told him as he nodded then they went to Good Hunter

-At Good Hunter-

"Welcome to Good Hunter. Table for two?" Sara asked

"Yes, please." Lisa answered

"Please sit wherever you like and call me over once you're ready to order." Sara told them

"So miss Lisa, we're gonna eat first and bring up the book situation later?" Lightning asked her

"Why, of course. The stress of work really takes the pleasure out of eating, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Lightning said then talked to Sara while Lisa walked toward the table to sit

"How can I help you?"

"Regarding Lisa's taste in food..." Lightning asked her

"What does Lisa like to eat? She's been here a few times with Master Jean for afternoon tea before. I think she normally orders something vegetarian. A lady tends to eat cautiously on account of her physique, after all! On that note, I should probably be watching my own diet a little more..." Sara explained and Lighting started thinking then walked toward the table and sit with Lisa

"*yawn*... Why don't you order us something, Lightny? I'm ever so curious to know what your tastes are." Lisa said as Lightning picks up the menu and reads


"Good Hunter's signature dish. If it's what you want, I'll try anything once."

"Northern Smoked Chicken?"

"This seems like the sort of stable bar food you'd find at the tavern. It has an extremely strong flavor, so drinkers love it because they can actually taste it."

"Invigorating Pizza?"

"*gasp* It's like you read my mind... Do you have some magical powers you're not telling me about, Lightny?"

"Uhhh. I don't have any magical powers. What about Radish Veggie Soup?"

"I imagine that making a good vegetable soup takes good quality ingredients cooked in the right order at the right heat for the right length of time. At least, those are the principles that apply when one is making potions. But from what I've heard, soup-making was a popular pastime among the witches of the past."

"Ok then what about Satisfying Salad"

"Eating salad is like piling on more and more elemental power. Raw, unfettered energy applied indiscriminately, with no elegance or control. It's the first mistake all magic users make when they're learning. But then again... if one genuinely had so much pure elemental power that they could solve any problem they wanted... that would be a different matter entirely."

The Elemental Hero in Teyvat - Boboiboy x Genshin Impact (Side Quest)Where stories live. Discover now