Chapter 1

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Based on how CrissColfer are complete nerds and love everything comic-con-esque. Kurt and Blaine meet at comic-con. They bump into each other when looking at Harry Potter merchandise and get talking. Things spiral from there. Klaine. Kurt/Blaine Nerd!Kurt Nerd!Blaine

A/N- Hey! Yes I know, I should be writing my other fic but ughh. I’ve got a vague idea of where I want this fic to go but I would love some ideas! PROMPTS PLEASE!!


Chapter 1

Blaine was standing in line to get in to the convention center Comic-Con was being held at. It was almost ten o’clock in the morning and they would let them all in at any minute. Blaine was so excited, he was bouncing on his heels.

The line started to move forward and Blaine followed the girl in front of him who was dressed as a strange, sexy Elmo. A fat guy in a bright yellow volunteer shirt took his pre-ordered ticket and gave him an armband. Blaine continued walking forward, through the sliding glass doors and into the magical world of Comic-Con.

Kurt had had and awesome day so far. He had gotten his photo taken with Tom Felton (squeal!) and then had it signed. While getting it signed he told him about how much he loved him in Harry Potter and in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. He had also met Tom Hopper, one of the buff sexy knights in Merlin, and had gotten is autograph as well.

He had all ready bought plenty of t-shirts with his favourite franchises branded on the front. Not that he would be wearing them out in public, his other clothes were far too fabulous. He had also bought a few super hero masks that he might be able to incorporate into one of his outfits. He had taken plenty of photos with people that loved his C3PO outfit.

Kurt was looking through some vintage comic books when he spotted a perfect Slytherin tie at one of the stalls nearby. He walked over to it, not paying attention to anything else. But when he reached for it, he bumped into another hand.

"Oh, sorry!" Kurt exclaimed.

"It’s fine." A curly haired boy smiled up at him.

"You’re dressed as the hobbit!" Kurt laughed. "You look really good!"

"Thanks! It took forever to make. But I bet painting your entire body gold took longer! You’re C3P0 right?" The ‘hobbit’ asked, laughing.

"Yea! I’m Kurt by the way." Kurt smiled and stuck out his hand.

"And I’m Blaine." He shook Kurt’s hand.

"Yeah, I guess painting myself gold was a little time consuming but it was worth it. It looks good right?" Kurt asked, secretly fishing for compliments. He knew he looked awesome.

"It looks awesome! Way better than some of the idiots here. Did you see that fat girl walking around? Her shirt just said ‘costume’. Trust me, you look amazing." He reassured him.

"Thanks." Kurt blushed. "I was going to come as Draco Malfoy, and die my hair blonde, but I thought I might scare Tom off." Kurt laughed.

"Aww! You would have looked awesome with blonde hair!" Blaine complimented, smiling.

Was Blaine flirting with him?

Kurt went quiet.

"So, umm, did you want the tie?" Kurt asked awkwardly, referring back to the Slytherin tie they had both reached for.

"No, it’s cool. I’m more of a Gyrffindor man myself. I was just looking." Blaine clarified, still smiling.

"I’m still not exactly what house I would be in." Kurt paused and then elaborated.

"I think I’m smart enough for Ravenclaw but my friends say I’d be a Gyrffindor because they think I’m brave. Though I think I’d make a great Slytherin, I’m very sarcastic and cunning. Though I’m not sure. What do you think?" Kurt explained, fiddling with the tie.

"Well we’ve only just met. I can’t be the judge of something like that yet. How about we have lunch together? There was a stall for pizza a few rows down? I’ll pay!" Blaine replied, smiling hopefully.

"Sure." Kurt said trying to hold back his huge smile. This adorable, funny, cute guy had practically asked him on a date! And he loves Harry Potter! He sounds perfect!


He hasn’t said anything about being gay. He might just be really friendly. Friends eat lunch together all the time. But he was flirting-wasn’t he?

Don’t get your hopes up, Hummel.

But then Blaine grabbed his hand and started towards the pizza stall.

Normal, straight boys don’t hold hands do they?

Kurt smiled at the ground, still being dragged away by Blaine.

Maybe there was some hope after all.

Yes I know it’s still rather short but I wanted to end it there.







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