[17] Caught by Kamisato

Start from the beginning

"Indeed. Despite Lady (Y/n)'s attempts to guise yourselves, it was already quite noticeable." Ayato chuckled as you internally monologue. "Although, her attempts were quite amusing, to say the least. It is quite literally an honor to meet all of you."

"All of these praises and yet none were spared for a feeble bard like me." Venti woes as he manifests his lyre.

"Oh, no worries, we've also heard of the best bard in Mondstadt... Venti, was it?" Ayato scrutinizes him under his observant gaze. "Yes, you definitely are him. I shall invite you to one of our inter-cultural festivals one day. And I'll especially invite Miss (Y/n) and the others too."

"No need to address all of those heroes with such formalities. Heaven knows that all your compliments will go directly to their heads." Venti sighs.

"Hey! Master Diluc isn't that self-centered." Paimon bickers back.

"How come you only defend Diluc but not me?" You stare at Paimon in slight offense.

"Paimon always has a bias towards the wealthy ones." Kaeya muses whilst the white-haired child protests.

"Maybe buy me mochi later then perhaps I'll consider defending you too." Paimon retorts light-heartedly, making you frown in a joking way.

"Fine, we can buy stuff later if you want. I do need to restart my taste buds after being poisoned by Ayato's goofy substance that he calls food." you said

Paimon squeals happily meanwhile you have a headache upon recalling the unspeakable taste of that thing.

"Poisoned? No, there must've been a misunderstanding." Ayato spoke, raising his hands. "I do acknowledge my culinary skills are subpar, but that never meant I did it on purpose."

"This wouldn't be the first time my lord's cooking has led to appalling consequences." Thoma says with a lighthearted grin.

"Anyways, putting your comments aside," He side-eyes Thoma and then you. "entering Inazuma with such famous individuals might raise suspicion, especially with the silent gentleman who hasn't spoken a word yet." Ayato glanced over to Zhongli, who was simply standing and observing the Inazuman ornaments.

"As you've heard, there is an ongoing Vision Hunt Decree set by our Electro Archon, the Raiden Shogun." Ayato casts his gaze downwards and the atmosphere becomes rather cold. "Since the Kamisato family falls under the rule of the Shogun, I cannot act against her rule, and neither can my sister. Many people have suffered beneath her new decree, and well, since you're here..."

'An Archon who brings suffering to her people rather than being benevolent...'

Your head's starts to spin with the new found information.

"Basically, your current Archon is acting like a dictator and you can't do anything even if you wanted to, and so... You wish to ask for my help? That's the only conclusion I can pick up with your hopeful tone."

"Precisely." He answers. "Although you haven't witnessed the suffering of the people yet, I'd like for you to see the current situation of Inazuma first."

So, Ayato hopes that you'd assist in the fight against the Shogun, huh?

You think silently before adding. "Our original goal in Inazuma was to ask the Electro Archon about my siblings. But since she's acting like a dictator, will we be able to even talk to her at all?"

"Yeah! We've helped so many nations now. Shouldn't we focus on our main goal; your siblings?" Paimon floats over to you. "Paimon may not sound like it, but will we even gain anything here..?"

A moment of silence passes by as everyone in the room digests the words that Paimon uttered.

To be fair, she did have a point.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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