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"Okay guys. Get all of your belongings in you bags. Let's head to the practice rooms." Mr. Choi said.
"Mrs. Seo will be partnering you with one or two of her students. Please do not bicker or complain, no matter who you get put with." Mr. Choi said as everyone left the classroom.

"Okay, now that the production class is in here, I have put up a paper with you partner on the board." Mrs. Seo said.
"My class is already with their partner or by themselves. Find out your partner and go to them." Mr. Choi announced.

Somin: Xia, Taemi
Chanbyul: Haechan
Hyomin: Jongri
Yunhyo: Jisung
Viv: Lua, Jungkyul
Rayun: Byulyeon
Jaena: Jaebin, Jaesoo
Minsung: Seungbyun
Haekyul: Dongtae
Zae: Mara, Yeonra

"Please go to your assigned person or people." Mrs. Seo said. Yunhyo froze as she looked through the list. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and walked ro the overly familiar boy. Even after she was next to him, she couldn't look at him, afraid of how she'd react.
"Look! Three Jae!" Jaena laughed as she met with her group.
"Please become comfortable with your partner or partners." Mr. Choi said. 

Sitting on the practice room floor, Jisung and Yunhyo could easily feel the akward tension between them.
"You two. Why aren't you talking? That's specifically what you're supposed to be doing today." Mrs. Seo scolded the two.
"Sorry Mrs. Seo." They said in unison.
"Okay well. Let's get this over with." Yunhyo said quietly.
"Well, should we start with introductions?" Jisung said, wanting to lighten the mood a little.

"Should we start with introductions?" Yunhyo asked as they sat beside each other in the classroom. It was their first day in the high school, and their first time meeting each other.
"But I already know your name."
"Well yeah. You sit next to me and she just called out our names. Tell me about yourself." Yunhyo laughed lightly.
"Well, I'm fifteen, and I love to dance."
"Lucky, I might as well have two left feet." Yunhyo smiled as she spoke, catching his attention easily.
"Maybe I could teach you sometime?" He offered quietly. He watched her eyes light up.
"Really? You'd do that?" She asked happily. He nodded with an equally wide smile.
"Of course."

"My name is Yoon Yunhyo. I'm nineteen years old. I love making music. I have a brother and three sisters, but I don't know my sisters well." Yunhyo responded after the memory faded into black.
"Are we really going to pretend like we don't know each other?" Jisung asked, barely a whisper.
"It's better this way." Yunhyo said.
"Well, I'm Park Jisung. Eighteen years old, I've been dancing since I was a kid." Jisung said disheartened once again.
"What type of music do you prefer to dance to?" Yunhyo asked, even though she already knew the answer.
"You already know the answer to that." Jisung said, looking over at her.
"Alright. I'll work in plans tonight." Yunhy said.
"Mom misses you." Jisung said quietly.
"She's really sweet." Yunhyo responded.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." Jisung said, understanding that she wasn't ready to talk to him again.

Jisung walked over to Haechan, back turnee to Yunhyo.
"I saw that you two were paired. How'd it go?" Haechan asked.
"I don't think she's ready to talk." Jisung responded.
"Give it time. I'm sure that you guys will be on the right path soon." Haechan said, patting his friends head.

After school, Yunhyo met up with her brother and his friends, per usual.
"I'm paired with Jisung for a project." She said, swmetting her head against her brother's arm, dejectedly.
"I'm sorry, Hyo. But maybe it's a good thing. Maybe the two if you will be able to figure things out." Keeho said, patting his sister's head. Intak, who doesn't like seeing her sad anyways, went over to give Yunhyo his normal hug of the day.
"Thanks, Intak." Yunhyo said, giving the younger a small smile, getting a big one in return.
"Let's go get Jongseob and Shota and then we can go home." Keeho said.
"I nearly forgot that it was your turn to pick them up." Yunhyo said.
"It's always my turn on Tuesday's. Monday's are Theo. Tuesday's are me. Wednesday's are Jiung. Thursday's are Intak. Then Friday's are you." Keeho said.
"I know, I know. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Yunhyo said, waving as she begun to go to Keeho's car.

Jisung met up with his friends on the opposite side of the school.
"You guys will never believe this." Haechan said as the seven of them begun to walk to Mark's house.
"What is so impossible to believe?'' Renjun asked.
"Jisung and Yunhyo are partnered for the dance and production project." He said with a wide smile.
"Stop acting like it's a good thing." Jisung said.
"It is a good thing. You two can finally get your things figured out." Mark commented.
"How are we supposed to do that when she wants to pretend we never met?" Jisung said.
"You've said it yourself. She hasn't moved on. Maybe she feels guilty." Renjun said.
"Sounds too believable."
"Maybe she had such a good reason to break up with you, she doesn't want you to feel even worse about everything." Jeno said.
"I'd rather be told that she cheated on me with someone else than be left clueless on what went wrong." Jisung said.
"Which is understandable. But you guys should talk this out. It's not good for either of you." Jaemin said.
"I'm gonna stay quiet because he got mad at me yesterday for it." Chenle said.
"I mean, you probably deserved it."
"You can go ahead and suck my-" Chenle was cut off as he tripped over the edge of the sidewalk, leaving five of the boys laughing at him. Jisung, being the person he's become, stood there and waited for his friend to stand back up.
"Let's go. I'm sure Mrs. Lee is wondering where we are by now."

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