"Your brother has disappeared" — Thomas said.

"WHAT?" Tricia asked shocked.
Laura left the house at full speed.

"HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" Thomas asked his wife from the house.

"TO THE BLACK'S!! TAKE CARE OF TRICIA!!" Laura yelled at her spouse and then ran to the Black residence.

When Laura arrived, she desperately knocked on the door until it was opened by the youngest of the Black's.

"Mrs. Tucker? What are you doing here?" Tolkien asked.

"TOLKIEN! Dear; Have you seen Craig?! He's with you!?" —

"Er, no, I haven't seen him since yesterday and he isn't with me. Why?" — Asked the brunette.

"Listen Tolkien, Craig is missing" — Laura said anguished.

"WHAT?! YOUR SON IS MISSING!?" Asked Mrs. Black, who had witnessed the scene.

"Yes, please help me" — Laura begged.

"Of course we'll help!" — Mr. Black said — "Tolkien, get dressed, you will help us" — He ordered his son.

Tolkien obeyed his father's order and changed as quickly as possible, so much so that he almost forgot to put on his underpants, when he finished he ran out of his house in the direction of Clyde's.

"Where are you going?!" His father asked.

"TO CLYDE'S HOUSE, MAYBE HE KNOWS SOMETHING!!" Tolkien yelled as he ran.

When he got there he knocked on the door several times until it was opened by the one with brown hair and white skin who was still in his pajamas.

"What the fuck do you want, Tolkien?" — Clyde said, while he rubbed his eyes.

"Clyde! Craig is missing! I need you to find him" — Tolkien said.

— "..." —

— "Clyde?" —

Clyde entered his house and slammed the door shut, leaving Tolkien in the doorway.


Before Tolkien finished cursing Clyde, he left the house already dressed and prepared.

"Quick Tolkien! We have to find Craig!" The brown-haired man said, pulling the dark-haired man by the arm.

"But I thought you... Forget it, you're right. We have to find Craig!" Tolkien said as he followed Clyde.


"Wow, the forest floor is so different from the village" — Craig said in wonder as he walked through the forest — "It's amazing, isn't it, Stripe?" — He asked his little friend who was on top of his hat.

Craig was amazed by everything he saw in that forest, it was so beautiful, calm and peaceful. He could clearly hear the song of the birds, the waterfalls that were a few kilometers from him, he could even hear the crunch of the leaves that he stepped on.

"Fantastic" — Said Craig to himself.

Out of nowhere a sound quite different from the others was heard, a "whistle" sounded, happy and sweet, it was like a melody, Craig was very struck by it so he decided to see where it came from. He began to walk and discovered that the sound came from the top of a tree a few meters from him, he decided to stay and spy on whoever caused it.

On one of the branches of that tree sat a small harp with blue feathers, blonde hair, white skin, the body and face with symbols and doodles made with paint, the little harp whistled that happy tune, on the ground a blond boy, a cape made of wolf skin, his neck was adorned with a necklace and he wore a wolf skull on his head, he used it as a helmet. The older blond was enjoying the whistle the little harp made.

"Mmm, you know? I really like when you whistle" — Said the taller blonde

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"Mmm, you know? I really like when you whistle" — Said the taller blonde.

"Thanks Kenny, I'm glad you like it" — Said the harp.

"Yes, it sounds like a bird, HAHAHA" — Kenny said jokingly.

"Ha Ha, very funny. You know what? I better shut up" — Said the harp with some anger at Kenny's joke.

"Oh, come on Butters, don't be bitter" — Kenny said.

"We should be watching the north wing, not loafing around" Butters said, getting up from the branch.

"Easy pigeon, there haven't been any human sightings since..." — Kenny began to feel a peculiar smell around him.

"Kenny?" —

"Butters; do you smell that?" Kenny asked.

"I don't smell anything; what do you smell?" Butters asked.

"Smells like... Sweat, mint and... Guinea pig?" — Kenny said sniffing carefully.
When Craig heard that, he realized that they were smelling him and Stripe.

"Shit, we better get out of here" — He said quietly to his guinea pig as he secured it in his backpack.
He silently started to take steps in another direction but accidentally stepped on a branch that broke and made a small sound that reached Kenny's ears.

"There!!" — Kenny said, who suddenly took his wolf form and began to run quickly towards where he had heard the sound.

"Kenny wait!!" Butters said, taking flight to follow him.

"Shit, SHIT!!" Craig cursed as he began to run quickly in search of a place to hide.

He now had a Nahual and a Harp following him, in his mind only one question appeared.



To be continue...

The forest Park. [ Translation in English ] Where stories live. Discover now