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The photo is my oc and my drawing I made I hope y'all like it I spent an hour on it

My name is iris violet Daniels and yes I am related to Ronald red Daniels who is my brother he is 19 years old and I'm 20 years old we both grew up together but we were both also raised by our aunt Carol and had eachother's back we are different from eachother I'm a woman but I'm a different type of a woman you see I don't wear dresses skirts or heals not even make up except for lipgloss to keep my lips from getting chapped anyway I was very lucky to be enlisted in the same platoon as my brother and the reason why is because I could do a lot of things a man can I can hold and shoot guns I can throw grenades and hit the targets and I can drive very well especially speeding and I used to coach young men how to aim and shoot a gun it was kinda like a business thing since some of the young men knew that I could do all those things and some even paid me to teach them and somehow the general of the army in the USA found out about my deeds just like that I was enlisted along with my brother and you should of seen the guy working at the desk that was stamping our enlist papers because as soon as he saw my paper that Davis sent in to me so I could get enlisted because of the knowledge and work I possess the guy on the desk said he was ready to quit so that was the day where ever my brother goes and once me and my brother arrived at training we both met some of the boys in the platoon but I couldn't go a day without getting weird looks from some of the men in the platoon but I can't blame them because they probably never seen a woman in an American platoon but I didn't really care that much because I had my brother and on the first day of training the jaws dropped from many of the men in the platoon including the sergeant who's name is Pierson now he was a type of sergeant that was a asshole but I can't blame him because that's how sergeants should act and our Lieutenant turner he is a pretty chill and nice guy I was kinda suprised because I assumed he would be a bit more of strict than Pierson but I was suprised he wasn't and now imma talk about some of the guys in there starting with zussman now he is described as a goofball and he and I got along great because we both secretly were speaking some German and Greece to eachother when no one was around and he was suprised to find out that I spoke Greece and I told him that me and my brother have the same mother just different fathers and then zussman said that he issued part Jew and I made a few Jew and German jokes which made him laugh his ass off and we became best friends after that because I accepted him like him being Jewish German isn't bad at all then there is aiello now he and I didn't really get along great because his racist comments made me say some comments about him being Italian and he was pretty mad about that and we started arguing with him cussing in Italian and I was cussing in German and we didn't know what we were both saying then there is stiles he was a pretty nice guy he would show me some pictures on his camera and did I mention I brought my pit bull terrier with me to the war some of the guys in the platoon would play with my dog who's name is lily and even turner would sometimes play with her whenever he has the spare time I remember this one time lily jumped on Pierson and started licking his face and he was mad but I knew he liked it sometimes I would let some of the guys in the platoon who were still messed up after ww1 play with lily because they said that she would calm them down but mostly stiles because he was terrified of the war more than anyone in the platoon and without his glasses he can't see shit and since I was the only woman in the platoon I had my own room and my own shower on the ship that we were on to take our way to the first battle we would take

My name is iris violet Daniels and yes I am related to Ronald red Daniels who is my brother he is 19 years old and I'm 20 years old we both grew up together but we were both also raised by our aunt Carol and had eachother's back we are different f...

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In case y'all are wondering why is my oc iris named Ramona just ignore it and pretend it's iris because I created the oc and half of the book and decided to change her name from Ramona to iris instead and the dog you see is Lily daniels my other OC So anyway I hope y'all enjoy this book because I worked my ass off while making it

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