Cote x Bloodborne

Start from the beginning

Paimon: Paimon is the by-product of a bored god that responded to your wish. As for Paimons purpose, I am meant to serve as your guide as you traverse the near neverending worlds that Paimons creator plans on sending you to!!

Finishing her speech the tiny fairy named Paimon clapped her hands together in excitement. 

Not caring to pay attention to the part about Paimon being the creation of a god I focused on what caught my attention. 

Ayanokoji: My wish? ´Also what did she mean by neverending worlds.´

Nodding her head Paimon responded. 

Paimon: Yes, after hearing your wish and looking at your situation Paimons creator decided to take matters into his own hands. Although in the process he got distracted by the thought of entertainment, Paimons creator wants to grant you the opportunity to travel to a new world. One without the problems and limitations of the world you're used to. So… should you choose to accept this invitation we could begin our adventure right away!! 

The idea of traveling to a world not bound by the same rules as our own sparked what I knew was excitement but that wasn't the real selling point. 

Ayanokoji: ´I would get to live in a world without my father constantly trying to imprison me within those white walls´

Instead of responding I simply nodded my head. Seeing this Paimon extended her small hand toward me for a handshake. After accepting it I saw a large smile sprout on her face. 

Paimon: Although I'm sure you already know Paimons name is Paimon, it's a pleasure to meet you Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Ayanokoji: Likewise Paimon, I hope to be able to count on you throughout our journey. 

Slowly I started to feel my body become numb as I felt time and space distorted around us before my back was suddenly assaulted by the cool feeling of smooth metal beneath me. Said stimulus caused me to try and sit up only to discover that my arms and legs were strapped to what appeared to be an old medical stretcher made of metal. 

???: Oh yes, Paleblood… Heh. Well, you’ve come to the right place. 

Trying to sit up I noticed that I was only able to move my head, so I turned to gaze at the man who had just spoken.

He looked to be an older gentleman sitting on what appeared to be an old wheelchair. Wearing a black coat over what could be classified as Victorian-era apparel. Although his clothes were uncommon, what stood out the most about his appearance was his eyes or lack of eyes. 

I was unable to tell if he had any eyes as they had been covered by bandages but he still moved around with little difficulty. 

Where a normal person would have screamed or cried out I kept my attention on the old man while trying to look for clues about where I was. Even though it was dark I could make out a few details behind him like bookshelves that covered the walls and other stretchers like the one I was on. 

Turning back to the man he began speaking again in his raspy voice. 

???: Yharnam is the home of the blood ministration. You need only unravel its mysteries. But, where’s an outsider like yourself to begin? Easy, with a bit of Yharnam blood of your own… Now let’s begin the transfusion… 

As I listened, the words blood ministration and Yharnam stood out as they were unknown to me, but before I could try to make sense of these words the old man finished speaking and moved an IV, which looked to be filled with blood, towards me marking the beginning of the transfusion. 

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