Chapter 5

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After saying goodbye to Riley, i rush away i don't know where the confidence came from to give him a peck on the cheek goodbye but i feel like there is such a connection with him that i had too do something. When i get into the house, my dad is passed out on the couch so i tip toe around him and go upstairs to quickly change, i change into black cargo pants with a black crop top, and tie my hair up into a messy bun. I have my first shift at work, and i can't wait to actually be back in a garage. I know that i am only starting as a receptionist but i am hoping that i can slowly work up to be a full time mechanic. i wanted to go to college so that i will always have an education to fall back on, but the true career path i want to go down is to be a mechanic.

I rush downstairs get a snack and head out to the car luckily me and riley only had a short day today so i could start work at 2, i hop in my car and notice that Riley's bike was no longer parked in there drive he must have headed out. I pull towards where the address says, it is very busy, but what surprises me is the building that is connected to it has a sign saying Riders of Hell: Brotherhood of fire. I wonder what that is all about.

Parking up I thought i would feel more nervous as i approached the front door, but i actually felt comforted as i walked in i looked around, the hustle bustle of the everyday garage was in full swing, looking around i didn't want to disturb anyone but walking out of the back, came a guy with a grey beard, shoulder length hair, and a leather vest. When he spots me waiting by the entrance desk, he looks quite intimidating, with his broad shape and angered face but i knew that if i wanted to work in this type of environment i would need to be confident and not show that i am slightly intimidated,

'Hi there, are you the boss here?' Confidence extruding in my voice, making the guy look a bit shocked by my bluntness,

'yes i am what is it to you?' his bluntness is exactly what you would expect from him, without an ounce of warmth in his voice,

' I'm meant to start my job here today' Okay now I'm slightly doubting that i actually got a job here and that I'm in the wrong location, looking around there is the name of the garage, on the walls but he doesn't look convinced,

'What's your name child?' his gruff voice slightly softening as he learns that I'm meant to be working here or maybe its the insecurity shining through in my voice,

'Athena, i was given the name Marco to ask for, on the hiring email?'

' that's me, sorry about frightening you there we just don't normally have unknown people just walk in around here, as i'm sure you understand why?' now this confused me, why would people not just arrive it is a garage, right.

Obviously spotting the confusion on my face, Marco lets out a slight chuckle which immediately sounded like it went to a frustrated sigh,

'Well i can tell your new to the area'

'umm yea i only moved to the area yesterday, why what is this place?'

'this garage is owned by the Riders of Hell, we're a biker club, have you no heard of a biker club lassi'

'briefly, i haven't heard of any near where i live before but, i know some things whether there true or not'

'well lassi most of what you've heard is probably true, but mostly we are mostly loyal group of men, who protect our town, if you work for us lassi, we will protect you with our life's like your one of our own'

' well i need this job more than anything, so I'm in'

'well lassi welcome to the family, now lets get you started'


I've been here for about 2 hours now and i think that I've got back into the routine of things of and managed to get some organization within this place, you can tell that this place has been run by men all the paperwork is chucked everywhere and anywhere.

' aye lass, could you find me the paperwork for the Michaels, it should be somewhere .... ohh wow, i don't think that i have ever seen this desk before, where's all my paperwork gone?' the utter shock on his face looking at the now organized desk area with the paperwork, all tidied away.

'Well i kind of like having everything organized, so i just put away everything in these cabinet's, and labeled by what's in them, i just thought it may help around here'

'well now you definately are keeping a job here, i don't even know how we functioned without you' his deep chuckle reminds me of what my dad's laugh used to be like,

'well thank you, Marco, glad to help really but....'

'Hey, Chainsaw where you at man'

'I'm over here Hammer' that voice seems vaguely familiar but I'm not sure where from,

'Hey man, what you up too .... Athena what are you doing here'

'Riley, i work here why are you here, why did he call you Hammer'  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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