Chapter 3

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It was about 9 o’clock when i had finally finished unpacking the house dad had rolled into his pit hours ago, i knew that he would be waking up soon enough so i knew that instead of stopping like i would love to do, i needed to go to the shop as i knew that dad would be waking up soon, meaning i needed to get the beer in. Hopping into the car i headed straight to the corner shop that we passed on the way here as i really don’t know anything else in the area, when i get to the shop i buy a few bits for dinner and lunch tomorrow, but i know that I’m not going to be having breakfast tomorrow, i don’t start my job until tomorrow after school, so i have to make so with what money i have, which will have to go towards my dad’s beers.

After getting the shopping i head home intending to go in have some food then go to sleep, but as soon as i pull up i notice riley tending to his bike on his drive way, when i step out of the car he calls my name, so i walk over towards him,

‘Hey riley what’s up’ i say trying to rub the sleep that is slowly creeping over my eyes,

‘Hey i just wanted to apologise for me being so dismissive towards you earlier, I’m not really good at the hole people thing, but i was rude and anyway ... I’m sorry’

‘Thank you and its okay honestly i get it i have moved around so much i struggle sometimes too, but i have my first day of sixth form tomorrow and work so I’d rather first one impression not to be of me with bags under my eyes, so night riley,’

‘Oh yea that’s completely fine, but um what school are you starting’

‘Bridgermays sixth form’

‘Oh really that’s where i go’

‘Great I’ll see you tomorrow, night riley’ as i start to walk back towards my house he calls my name again,

′ hey Riley, I’ll drive you in tomorrow, you shouldn’t start by yourself’ ′

You honestly don’t have to ...′

‘I insist, night Thea’ and with that he walks back in to his house.

Next morning

After getting up and getting ready i have decided on having my hair up in a half up half down messy bun, flared jean trousers with a yellow crop top, after getting all my stuff together and head outside where Riley is waiting for me next to his bike,

‘Morning sunshine, you ready for your first day’ It was like a complete personality change which kind of creeped me out, but it was what i needed,

‘ yeaa I think so, bit nervous but I’ve done this before’ I went a bit quieter at the end due to the fact of feeling a bit embarrassed about having moved around so much, I hate the fact that anybody would know my families problems,

‘right but it will fine as you already have a friend in me, so let’s get going’ walking towards his bike, he looks back over at me almost hesitantly as if worrying that I won’t take the helmet, and come along with him on his bike, but me being a born and bred grease monkey, walks straight over pulling my own helmet from behind my back, and putting it on sitting on the back of his bike ready to go,

‘wow, okay then that was unexpected.’ With a smirk on his face, he puts his helmet on and steps onto the bike,

‘lets get a move on then’ wrapping my arms around his waist, I felt oddly comforted, and with that we were on our way.

Pulling up to the school it was hectic people were everywhere arriving at school at the same time meaning that the college and the high school is all in one area, I was completely lost and had no clue where I was meant to be going, all of a sudden I felt a sight tug on my elbow and I looked at Riley.

‘Come on we need to go this way, so that is the entrance for the main school, which is why there are so many kids around it goes from year 7 to year 11, but the sixth form is around the back, it may be a bit overwhelming at first but you’ll get there’

‘okay … thank you for showing me the way’ smiling up at him I continue following him, when we arrive at the building, that says sixth form building one on, as we enter we are immediately greeted with lots of student chatting and heading in directions, we head towards the front desk where there is a lady with a permed hair style filing away papers in a cabinet,

‘hi, I’m here for my schedule it is my first day’

‘ what is your name’

‘Athena Alyx, I’m a new transfer.’

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