May all our saturdays be this good

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My friends are like the gorse rum I make,
Honeysuckle kisses from bottled sunshine
And a little spicy bite.
They fill my nose with coconut stories,
Soaking my brow in gold
Where their forehead meets mine
And where they splashed my face with freckles.
I fizz.

We'd reached the turn in the river, and
I took a sip of them.
Lush ramson swathes ripple, and
I devour the verdance both
In garlic and in rum.
We pluck and I dance the river course,
Their smiles tickle the water's chill warm.
I lick the syrup from their fingers,
I roll in their auriferous opaque.

The day swashes around my mouth and
I'm greedy, lapping at the way
They nibble at my cheeks.
I press my hands to my face
Hide my hearts flush, for fear she runs too fast
But their eyes crinkle in the same way as mine do
When we share our smiles.

I love them as I do my gorse rum.
They are golden, sunset incarnate
We grow with equinox and they
Flutter yellow on my hillside soul.

Our cadmium tones sing my throat hoarse,
My heart brims with the scent of gorse.

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