"George, I appreciate it, but I'm fine. If I had an issue with the things that have happened in the past, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. And if you'd left me alone, then I probably never would have met you, and I definitely wouldn't want that. So really, you have nothing to apologize for."

The words weren't intended to hurt but they still did. George had thought countless times about how Dream would have been better off without him, he had just never been able to voice it aloud because of him was worried that maybe Dream would agree. So much of it could have been avoided if he'd simply left Dream out of it.

He didn't want to keep going on about it, so George only nodded and finally looked up to continue, "I guess that's true. If I hadn't met you, I don't think I'd be the person I am right now. I know I'll probably always be impulsive and bad at following direction, but I'm a much better person than I was a few years ago. And that's all thanks to you, Dream."

Dream smiled, but George could see something sad lingering behind it. It made his chest ache, and it only grew worse when Dream quietly asked, "why are you saying all this to me, George? What is it that you're not telling me?"

George inhaled slowly, feeling a couple of tears slide down his face. Dream looked concerned, and he sat up, reaching for George's hand and holding it in one of his own.

"I'm staying in London," George practically whispered the words, but he knew that Dream had heard them from the way his face fell.

"You're staying," Dream repeated slowly, almost like he needed to hear the words aloud again to believe them, "for how long?"

"For good, I guess," George answered, "Philza wants me to take over his spot as leader, but it's more than just that."

Dream didn't answer, but he let George's hand go and pulled back into his own space. More tears slid down George's face, and he quietly added on, "I just got him back in my life, Dream. I'm not ready to let him go again."

Dream nodded, but he kept his eyes cast down and away from George. When no response came, George quietly muttered, "please say something."

Dream scoffed quietly, shaking his head as he answered, "I don't know what to say. It seems like your mind is already made up, even though this seems like a decision we should have made together."

George wiped the tears away, and when Dream finally looked up at him, he muttered a quiet apology that he knew made no difference. Dream searched his face for a moment, and then exhaled slowly before saying, "you don't need to apologize, George. I get it, and I'd never ask you to give up being around your dad. I know how important he is to you. I just wish you would have talked to me about it first."

George nodded slowly, but his stomach twisted as Dream quietly added on, "but you need to know that I can't do a long distance relationship, George. I do love you, but I need to be able to see you and be around you. If it's anything less than that, I don't think I can do it."

It was exactly what George had been expecting, because he felt the same way. He didn't want to lose Dream, but he didn't think he could maintain a relationship from an entirely different country.

"I know," George answered quietly, "and I know how important Sapnap and the rest of the team is to you. They're your family, and I know I can't ask you to just pick up your whole life and stay here. I don't want to be selfish anymore, not when it comes to you."

George was crying now, and Dream only hummed quietly at his words. Arms circled around him, and Dream pulled George into his lap. George nestled his head against Dream's chest, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of his heart beating for what he hoped wouldn't be the last time.

He was terrified to ask, but he knew he needed to get the question out, "what happens now, Dream?"

He couldn't even fathom a world in which Dream and everyone else simply went back to America and George stayed here and that was it. This part of his life had changed him in so many ways, and Dream would always be a part of him. And it hurt to think of the possibility that he might not get to see him or hear his voice every day like he had gotten used to.

Fingers trailed slowly through his hair, and Dream quietly muttered, "I'm not sure. I just want to hold you for a little while, and then we'll figure it out together."

George nodded, squeezing his eyes shut as more tears ran down his face.

"I love you, George," Dream said quietly, "and no matter what we choose to do, I know I'll love you for the rest of my life."

George felt like his heart was both extremely full and breaking at the same time. He wrapped his arms around Dream's torso and responded, "I love you so much, Dream."

For what felt like hours, George laid wrapped up in Dream's arms. He'd be content to stay there forever, but eventually, Dream's hands found his face. He tilted George's face up towards his own, and then leaned in for a kiss that was soft and slow. George tried to savor every moment of it while he could, and by the time Dream pulled away, George couldn't help but wonder what was going through Dream's mind.

Dream's eyes searched his face for a moment, and then he sighed quietly before saying, "I think there's only a couple of options here, George."

George nodded once, waiting to hear which option Dream had chosen. But instead, Dream said, "before we decide on anything, there's something I want to show you."

George was sure his face had to have been clouded with confusion, because Dream gave him a soft smile and added on, "just trust me, George."

He nodded, because he'd always trust Dream. And whatever it was, George just hoped it was something that could ease the heartbreak he had a feeling was looming in the near future.

*HELLO! So I think I've figured out the ending, and there's only going to be one (maybe two) chapters left. The epilogue should be ready early next week. :')

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