Chapter 32

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George was sitting in the middle of the bed, knees drawn up towards his chest and hands covered by the dark fabric of one of Dream's hoodie. He had decided two whole days ago that he was going to stay in London, and he still had yet to bring it up to Dream. He had begged Sapnap not to say a word to anyone, and Sapnap had reluctantly agreed on the pretense that George tell him sooner rather than later. But George had been actively avoiding it, trying to ignore the guilty feeling that formed in the pit of his stomach every time Dream even so much as looked in his direction.

He couldn't avoid it forever, and it seemed like he'd have to force himself to say it much sooner than he would have liked. Because currently, Dream was lying on the bed in front of him with his phone in hand, scrolling through flights back to America as he rambled on about things that George had only half listened to.

He tuned back in just as Dream was saying, "Sapnap and Karl are leaving in a few days, and I think Niki is looking at getting a flight with Tommy and Tubbo."

George only hummed quietly, and Dream continued, "we can go back whenever, though. If you wanted to stay a little longer because of your dad, we could. I'm not in any rush, and I don't think Sapnap would care."

George swallowed hard, ignoring the sting behind his eyes and the way his hands were slightly shaking. He had the itching suspicion that his whole world was about to fall apart around him, but he knew he couldn't keep Dream in the dark any longer.

"Dream," George spoke quietly, and Dream's eyes drifted up from the phone in his hand at the sound of his voice. His brow furrowed with concern as soon as their eyes met, and he dropped the phone down on the mattress as he asked, "what's wrong?"

George couldn't seem to make himself speak. The words were caught in the back of his throat and he was sure Dream could hear his heart beating hard against his ribcage. Dream was watching him closely, and George had a sudden realization; everyone else had gotten an apology except for Dream. And Dream deserved it just as much as the rest of them had.

"I need to talk to you about some things," George finally managed to get out.

Dream nodded once, still looking concerned and now slightly confused at this seemingly unprompted change in conversation. He had no idea that George had been keeping so much to himself, and it only made George feel worse about the whole thing. He knew that Dream deserved better, Dream had always deserved better than what George could give him.

With a slow breath, George continued, "I'm going to start by giving you an apology like I did for everyone else."

For a moment, Dream's face softened into a relieved look and he shook his head. He smiled, and insisted, "I don't need you to apologize to me, George."

George knew the words were meant to be reassuring, but his stomach was twisting into knots as he spoke again, "I do, Dream. You always talk about all the trauma I've been through, but you've been through just as much, and most of it is my fault."

Dream stayed quiet this time, eyes roaming George's face as if he were trying to read further into why he was choosing to apologize now. George could only cast his eyes down and keep going, "you've been shot, tortured, locked up in a basement. You had to kill Techno and watch me almost die, Dream. And it's all because I forced you into helping me fix things I should've been able to fix on my own. And I never even properly apologized for any of it, but I'm genuinely sorry, Dream. If I had known any of that was going to happen, I would have left you alone that first night at the bar."

For a long moment, there was nothing but tense silence. George couldn't look up; he knew he'd hate the way Dream was looking at him, and he knew he'd break down if he did.

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